Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

Visual Arts - Henry 5C for showing persistence and focus in art while designing your pop art image. You showed pride, respect and integrity. Congratulations and well done Henry!

Performing Arts - Hamdan 6A for demonstrating integrity in Drama by taking on the role of a character while performing a script. Well done for showing brilliant voice and facial expressions to communicate your characters emotions!

Chinese - Serena 5B for consistently demonstrating pride and integrity in the classroom. She is an innovative learner who always strives to ensure her work is creative and of a great standard. Well done, Serena!



LLI - Year 1/2A Aniva for demonstrating collaboration while assisting a new student in her LLI reading group, to learn the routine of these lessons. Thank-you and well done, Aniva. 


6B - Eshaan for showing resilience whilst completing all of his learning tasks. Keep it up!

6C - Nathan for challenging himself in Mathematics and showing respect to teachers and students. Keep it up!


5ASally for consistently completing her Homework tasks every week. She demonstrates pride and integrity. Keep up your efforts Sally!

5B - Nathan for making a confident start to the term. I like how you model being a great learner, being safe & being respectful at all times in our classroom. Well done!

5C - Allyssa for showing kindness to all her peers in 5C. You are a great role model. You are respectful at all times in our classroom. Well done Allyssa!


4A - Lani for showing persistence and resilience when finishing off her planning for her persuasive text. You took on feedback very effectively and didn't become frustrated when you needed to edit your work. Amazing work, Lani!

4B - Jeslyn for demonstrating collaboration within the classroom particularly in our RRRR lesson this week. Keep up the great team work! 

4C - Xavier for demonstrating integrity and resilience during Writing this week. You demonstrated such engagement and enthusiasm in your chosen persuasive topic. Keep up the fantastic work, Xavier!


3A - Ajden for displaying an amazing understanding and effort with the new Values Matrix. Ajden, you have been voted by your peers because you have shown responsibility, care for others,  respect, good manners and making good choices. I am so proud of the way you are entering the classroom and starting work straight away. A fantastic effort Ajden, you should be very proud of yourself - all of 3A are!!

3B - Erimyas for improving his self regulation when things are not working out the way he expects. He is using calm down strategies to return to the green zone. His peers appreciate his friendly nature.

3C - Arabella for showing great collaboration when working within a small group and taking pride in her work!


1/2A - Daniel for trying his best and having a go at writing about new topics. 

1/2C - Will for demonstrating our school of pride by trying hard when completing tasks across all learning areas. Well done Will!

1/2D - Andrew K for demonstrating the value of pride. Well done on your improved effort and focus during learning time.

1/2E - Kaiden for demonstrating resilience. He practised to improve his addition skills in Maths. Kaiden confidently added 2-digit by 2-digit numbers using the partitioning strategy. Well done Kaiden!


FA - Muzi for demonstrating resilience when learning his 100 words. Keep up the good work. 

FBJasper for demonstrating collaboration by working well with others this week in reading and Maths groups. Great work! 


Highlighted Students

Lower Primary:

 1/2E - Kaiden for demonstrating resilience. He practised to improve his addition skills in Maths. Kaiden confidently added 2-digit by 2-digit numbers using the partitioning strategy. Well done Kaiden!


Upper Primary: 

3A - Ajden - for displaying an amazing understanding and effort with the new Values Matrix. Ajden, you have been voted by your peers because you have shown responsibility, care for others,  respect, good manners and making good choices. I am so proud of the way you are entering the classroom and starting work straight away. A fantastic effort Ajden, you should be very proud of yourself - all of 3A are!!