The Weekly Edit

"People can do amazing things with the right information"


"Nobody has it all figured out and the best people to be around are the ones who already know this"

These excerpts are taken from Karen Young's program on strengthening children and teens against anxiety which is available online tomorrow night.  Anxiety is a very normal part of being human, but for as many as one in five children it can reach intrusive levels, interfering with family life, friendships and school performance.  Karen founded the popular website, Hey Sigmund, attracting millions of readers each year worldwide and is author of the bestselling Hey Warrior book for young people with anxiety.  Please see our wellbeing page in the newsletter for more details on this.  


Here at school our caf and woodwork and metalwork rooms have had an upgrade thanks to the generous donation by AGL Hydro towards new seating options - thank you!

Our year 12 students are counting down their remaining school days (8 days!) and are busy planning their end of year activities.  We wish them all the best for the next few weeks.  Check out their dress up costumes today in the student news page.


Today our year 8 and year 10 students started their mental health training day 1st session. Today's session centred around mental health problems in general and understanding how common and disabling these are in young people. Students also learnt about professionals who can help.


In the Community news page there is a great opportunity for students (aged 12-25) to undertake a fully accredited 1st Aid course (for free!), run by the Australian Red Cross and funded by Alpine Shire Council Youth through YACVic Future Proof Funding.  The Mount Beauty course is about half-full - so if you are interested - sign up.  1st Aid is an important life skill and an excellent addition to your resume.


It is great to hear that our year 9 students are settling in well at the Don Valley school for student leadership in the Yarra Valley - see the students news page for more details.  Throughout this program, our students will participate in classes specifically based around the nine key learning concepts - learning strategies, emotional management, resilience, identity, empathy, respectful relationships, collaboration, health and wellbeing and environments.  Applications are also now open for next years intake - talk to Ms Lodge for more details.


Welcome home to Year 10 student Zoe Gray who flew home today from Nepal after completing the Future Makers extension.  We look forward to hearing about her experiences in next week's edition.


Congratulations to our student winners of the Mount Beauty writer's festival writing competition - see our student page for the well deserved winners. The festival, held on the weekend was a great success and it is wonderful recognition and experience for our student budding writers.  Thank you to the festival and to the sponsor AGL for this opportunity.  Entering writing competitions is a great way for our students to get their work promoted, gain motivation, inspiration and experience - well done!


Next Monday students are encouraged to wear blue and bring a gold coin donation in support of the VCE VM/VPC class Big Blue Table event - see class news for details.  


Lots of good news stories to enjoy this week - enjoy!