Ignite Youth Conference 2023

What a beautiful experience it was to journey together with these 10 fantastic young men and some of our awesome staff to the Ignite Youth Conference 2023, which took place in the first week of the Term 3 holidays. What a privilege it was to see what the conference did for these students, what it meant to them, and how they grew over these four powerful days, personally, and spiritually, in friendship with the other young people they met from all across Australia, and in every special moment of faith that they experienced – the wonderful sacraments, the engaging workshops, the awesome music and the inspiring talks. 

Please enjoy the video of highlights that the students have prepared, as well as some of the moving reflections on their experience. 



We thank the college for allowing the boys this amazing opportunity, that God will continue to work in and through them as they continue to grow in their relationship with Him and bring His love and joy to all in our Mazenod Community.






Mr Cristiano Grosso

Retreats & Staff Formation Leader




From the Students

Ignite was such a special experience for me because prior to the retreat I've always been trying to find like-minded people who want to learn more about God, but it's very hard in today's society. When we arrived at Ignite and went to the morning rally, which was kind of like a mini-concert with Catholic music. It was so easy to talk to people as all the other students there had so much in common and most of our interests were the same. However, making new friends wasn't the only highlight of the retreat, the experience of Adoration was one of the best parts as well. The priest walked around holding up the Monstrance and we felt Jesus was truly present in it with us. There were people crying because they felt such a strong connection with God at that moment, and I did as well. The music during the morning and night rallies was also very memorable. We all sang the lyrics whilst dancing in the mosh pit for the youth. The songs opened our hearts and minds a lot more to the wider picture of life and how most things in life are nothing in comparison to the love that Jesus offers for us. Overall, Ignite was definitely the highlight of my holidays because when we returned home it was so weird and we all just wanted to go back and pretty much live at the conference! 

– Hugh Fagan, 10 Gavin


Ignite 2023 was my first large catholic gathering and it truly transformed my view of religion and its role in my life. In meeting new people, discussing new topics, and engaging in new experiences, I was able to genuinely feel the power of faith, experiences which allowed me to appreciate the power of Christ in my life, and how I may interpret the moral and ethical framework set forth by him to govern all my decisions and encounters in everyday life. From Adoration to prayer groups, large rallies to small groups, the beautiful, powerful events organised by the staff – they all gave us a unique opportunity into the spirit of the church, thus transforming my perception of God and Christ, leaving me with a spirit that will continue to burn bright, as Exodus 3:2 states, “There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up”.

– Rylan Peiris, 10 Cagney


Ignite enriched me and my faith. I love Ignite because I got to meet new people that I have never seen before, I also got to have a lot of fun dancing and singing with different people. It was a very refreshing experience and I enjoyed how well-planned it was. I was able to get a lot of things off my chest. I definitely recommend it, and I definitely want to go again, every year from now! I'm keen for ‘Ignite - Rise Up’ 2024!” 

Alvin Bouchereau, 10 Simonds 


Ignite was an inspiring event that has deepened my faith journey with God. One of the most memorable moments we had during the conference, was the spiritually charged Adoration where I could truly feel the awe and presence of God through the Holy Spirit. This powerful conference has not only given me an opportunity to broaden my friendship circle but has provided me with a truly unforgettable spiritual experience. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have this experience and I would absolutely recommend this conference if you wish to deepen your faith in God.” 

Joshua Goh, 10 Ryan


“The Ignite Conference was possibly one of the best experiences I have ever had. It was because of how I got the chance to get closer to God and to get to know him on a level like never before. I don't think you will get this anywhere else. Also, the people you make friends with are extraordinary. They are very supportive and positive and have your back no matter what. The music, the dancing, and the adoration as well are life-changing experiences and I really encourage others to take part in this. Sign Up for Ignite! Put everything else aside and HAVE FUN!!” – Anish Gokulnath, 10 Coghlan 


A message from Ms Giacco

“What a privilege it was for me to have participated in the Ignite Conference in Brisbane in the September holidays! This Conference captured the hearts and minds of all those who attended it. Over three thousand people of all ages, from babies to people in their nineties, were part of this amazing, joy-filled, wonderful Catholic Christian faith experience! Irrespective of where a person was in their faith journey, the Ignite Conference was fantastic! It enlivened and inspired my faith. 


What a blessing it was for me to witness so many young people from all over Australia professing their faith: singing, praying, worshipping, listening to talks, and participating in workshops. The celebration of all our Liturgies was intensely moving, as we celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation and our Masses in an atmosphere that encapsulated both reverence and happiness. In fact, notwithstanding that we were in an auditorium filled with three thousand people, we were in total and peaceful silence and surrender, as we celebrated Jesus’ true Presence in the Liturgy of the Adoration of the Lord. Our Mazenod students and staff all commented on the profound sanctity and significance of this experience for us all. 


Furthermore, what entertaining, engaging talks we heard from a multitude of people, including the Archbishop of Brisbane, Mark Coleridge, as well as, from Priests and the laity. Each person’s story was inspirational and profoundly moving. The talks were not only from “holy” people; rather, they were from “ordinary” people on their journey to live Christ-like lives. For me, the Ignite Conference was a tangible reminder me that the Catholic Church in Australia is in great hands with our young people who love our Catholic Christian Tradition!  This year’s Ignite Conference certainly lived up to its theme of Wonder; it truly was an extraordinarily “Wonderful” experience!” 





Ms Tina Giacco

Liturgy Leader