Principal's Post

Year 12 Finish

My congratulations to all Year 12 students who conducted themselves so beautifully and respectfully in their last week of formal classes. The final assembly on Friday, October 13 and the Valedictory Mass and Dinner was held on Sunday, October 15 at St Simon’s Parish Rowville. It was a lovely occasion for Year 12 students to express their gratitude to staff, parents, and carers. For many of the Year 12 students this is something of a bitter-sweet experience, some real tension between wanting to move on and wanting to hold on. It is a time, certainly, to look forward in expectation of what might be in the future which, for them, is full of possibility and promise, the exciting challenge of independence, freedom, and self-sufficiency. On behalf of the whole College community, I would like to wish you all the very best for the future.


Governance, Risk & Compliance

There are several mandatory policies and changes to existing policies. It is imperative and welcomed that engagement, planning, and workshops identify risks to compliance, work plans and actions to facilitate continuous improvement. Therefore, we are asking parents and carers to log onto MAZCOM and review the attendance policy, guidelines, and procedures (see links below). 


I would like to draw your attention to some elements of the Attendance Procedures for immediate action:

  1. For daily absences, late arrivals and early departures, parents/guardians/carers are required to notify the school by phone on 9560 0911 or using the absentee button on the MazCom app., between 8.00 am and 9.00am on the day (or prior to).
  2. If a student is absent without explanation, the school will send out an SMS which you simply reply to with HS (home sick) or FR (family reason) or MA (medical appointment) or OA (other appointment).  If we do not receive a return SMS or phone call, the Attendance Officer will contact the parent/guardian/carer for an explanation as soon as possible. If the attendance officer cannot reach you, a follow-up call will be carried out by the Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Principal (Students).
    3. Notification of a long-term absence can be made by completing a Notification of Planned Absence Form, located on MazCom. This needs to be signed by the Parent/Carer and given to the Dean of Junior/Dean of Senior School. The year-level leaders and teachers can allocate work whilst your son is on leave; click here for a "Work allocation for planned absence form"

Click the following links to view the policies:

MACS Attendance Policy

Mazenod Attendance Policy Guidelines

Mazenod Attendance Policy Procedures


An -e-mail has been set up for staff and parents to accommodate any queries regarding governance, risk, and compliance. All emails can be sent to Moore Australia at


All the best, 






Dr Paul Shannon
