Year 5 have begun the term busily preparing for our Leadership Day and overnight camp to Lake Keepit next week. We have been organising a sports afternoon to demonstrate our leadership skills to Year 4. We are all very excited and looking forward to the wonderful and exciting opportunities that camp provides. 


In class we are learning about many exciting things this term including; reading our new novel ‘Two Wolves’ by Tristan Banks, bushfires, plant adaptation, the Sacraments, drama and of course dance as we prepare for our end of year performance!



It is a wonderful time to be in year 2; we are scientists, explorers, engineers and artists all within a week! At the end of term 3 we got to explore the importance of solar energy and how we can make a difference in protecting our planet and its resources. We created posters and dioramas full of fun facts and information surrounding energy saving measures we can take around our homes whilst also creating an energy saving household. 


Term 4 is shaping up to be our best term yet with the introduction to our minibeast topic in Science. Students got to get up close and personal with some clear resin minibeasts that blew our minds! We inspected their body, legs and horns and the variety of colours, shapes and sizes they came in. We are so thankful to Mrs Elliott for allowing us to borrow these marvellous minibeasts. 


After learning about all the wonderful ways we can save the planet and exploring the minibeasts that live on it, Term 3 also allowed us to begin to explore our Australia through Creative Arts. We had fun exploring the topics of Australiana and the Artists famous for their use of our beautiful fauna, flora and diverse culture. Our favourite was exploring Sir Sidney Nolan’s iconic Ned Kelly artwork. Just take a look at the talent our year 2 artists produced replicating this famous piece. It is a wonderful time in year 2 being able to deep dive into the multiple topics and knowledge of the world. The best is yet to come! Keep up the great work, Year 2. 


Miss Maxwell, Mrs Ibbetson, Mrs Blanch and Mrs Tighe