Parent & Carers Information

R U OK? Day
R U OK? Day for 2023 is on Thursday 14 September and is our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life.
All students and staff are encouraged to wear yellow on this day.
For more information please visit the website or for advice on how to ask someone if they are ok go to
Payment Process and Closing Dates for Excursions and Activities via Compass
Camps, Excursions, and other school based activities that have a financial charge associated with them fall under the Extra-Curricular Items and Activities category of fees and are offered to students on a ‘user pays’ basis. They are offered in addition to the standard curriculum.
Cut off dates for payment and consent on Compass are set by the school to assist us in meeting our financial and duty of care requirements for each event. In support of meeting these obligations, we will not extend due dates for events or take late payments.
Administration staff send an email to families when the event is published and a reminder email five days prior to the event closing date. Students are also reminded by their classroom teachers about events and when payment and consent must be received. If payment or consent is not received by the due date, your child will be excluded from the activity and will be supervised by teachers at school.
If you have received CSEF funding and would like to allocate it towards a Compass Event, or have credit on your family statement that you would like to use, please contact Jacinta D’Avoine (Revenue Administrator) 9430 5118 or email to arrange for the allocation to be processed.
Please ensure that if payment is made via CSEF, credit allocation or an alternate method to Compass, please ensure that you consent via Compass prior to the closing date once the allocation has been made or payment has been receipted by the school.
If you are having issues accessing Compass, please contact the school for assistance. Thank you for your support with this matter.
CATHERINE ZERNA, Finance Manager
2023 Term Dates
Term 3:
Starts: 10 July
Finishes: 15 September (2:30pm finish)
Term 4:
Starts: 2 October
Finishes: 19 December (Dependent on Year level)
2023 Clubs and Activities