Year 3/4 Team

What’s been happening in 3/4!
Our 3/4 students have had a successful Term 2! We have settled into new routines which allow for consistency and provide calmer learning environments, when re-entering learning spaces, which align with our revised school approaches.
Wellbeing this term has been broken into two components - Class Wellbeing and Learning Community Wellbeing. In our class sessions, we have been focusing on developing our understanding of personal strengths and how they differ from those around us. Learning Community Wellbeing allows students the opportunity to work with a range of their peers within the cohort and further develop relationships with all staff within the Learning Community. They have participated in a range of activities linking to our School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix and Expectations where we have explored areas such as active listening through instructional drawing, resilience through the creation of songs and raps, as well as responsibility for using materials effectively, when creating the longest paper chain in a team.
Our English unit was connected with our Inquiry topic of sustainability this term, where students have explored land features, current environmental issues and ways they could help to protect our environment. To put this learning into action, all students had the chance to learn how to plant grass seeds, and have taken responsibility for watering their seedlings and watching them grow. Students have demonstrated a keen engagement in reading, both through fluency and class texts, including opportunities to collaborate through 'Turn and Talk' in each session. These discussions not only encouraged them to delve deeper into the texts but also enabled them to relate the content to their personal experiences, fostering an understanding of what they have read. Students have practised essential skills such as identifying facts, forming opinions, and utilising these opinions to craft compelling persuasive texts. The theme of their persuasive writing was focused around the topics of ‘How Can We Help the Bees’ and ‘Children Need to do More to Help Save the Planet’ which ignited their passion for advocacy and instilled a sense of responsibility towards environmental issues.
In Maths, students have explored the concepts of statistics, place value, division, multiplication and length. They continued to expand on their resilience when completing rich tasks and considered a range of strategies to support their learning. Our paper plane challenge was a crowd favourite, where students had the opportunity to create their own paper aeroplane and estimate the length it would fly. Each student threw their plane 5 times, measured the distance their plane flew using either a measuring tape or trundle wheel, recorded their results in either centimetres or metres and compared these to their estimates.
We look forward to watching each of our students and their achievements continue in Semester Two!