
Polding Touch Football Trials  

On Friday 14 June, St Xavier’s students Bailey Skepper, Tom Smallwood, Leo Henry, Josh Spinks, Ella Sloan, Isabella Hamilton and Eloise Maslen travelled to Parkes to compete in the Polding Touch Football trials. All students had a fun day and represented our school values well. Congratulations to Isabella Hamilton and Josh Spinks for making it to the possibles and probables stage but unfortunately they didn't make the final Polding Team selection.   

Athletics Rotation  

In preparation for our upcoming Athletics Carnival we have been doing an athletics rotation with the assistance of Andrew Frend from ZooM Academy. Students have been practicing the track and field disciplines the past few weeks, learning the correct techniques for discus, shot put and long jump, as well as fine tuning their running and relay skills.

Junior High Jump 

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week our infants students competed in their high jump finals at school. Congratulations to all students who qualified, everyone tried their best and showed great support for their other competitors.

8yrs Girls:

1st Isobel Redfern

2nd Reeva Ceeney

3rd Isabella Martin

8yrs Boys:

1st Slade Magnay and Theodore Byron

3rd Jake Gurney

9yrs Girls:

1st Belle Nichols

2nd Millie Lyle

3rd Ashley Ross

9yrs Boys:

1st Chase Berry and Hugo Bradford

3rd Thomas Johnson

10yrs Girls:

1st Eloise Launders

2nd Poppy Cregan

3rd Elodie Warren

10yrs Boys:

1st Ari Mallon

2nd Rafe Denovan

3rd Cooper Braithwaite

Our 12yrs and11yrs high jump final was held Friday 21 June. Results and photos to come. 

School Athletics Carnival 

The School Athletics Carnival is on Friday 28 June. The carnival is classed as a school day and the same rules and expectations regarding behaviour and attendance apply as they would at school. 

Students are to go straight to Donnelly sports Fields. The school will be closed as all staff will be at the carnival. The school buses have been instructed to drop off and pick up the children from the Carnival at Donnelly Fields. There will be a designated bus zone, please do not park between the bollards.

Location: Donnelly Sports Fields, 69 Maitland Road

Dress: Full sports uniform or house colours