Positive Behaviour Matrix

Continued Implementation of the Positive Behaviour Expectations Matrix in Term 2

As we coming to an end of Term 2, we are pleased to share further developments in our Positive Behaviour Expectations initiative. Building on the foundation laid out at the beginning of Term 2, we have intensified our focus on teaching and reinforcing positive behaviours through dedicated mini-lessons. This term, our primary emphasis was on the key aspect of "Being Safe in the Classroom."



Mini-Lessons on Positive Behaviour Expectations

To cultivate a secure and respectful learning environment, we have designed specific mini-lessons that address essential safety behaviours. Here are the key expectations we are teaching our students:

  1. Respecting Personal Space and Belongings
    • We respect the personal space, boundaries, and belongings of others.
  2. Following Safety Instructions
    • We follow teacher safety instructions immediately and ask questions if unsure of safety.
  3. Safe Use of Resources and Equipment
    • We use shared school resources and equipment safely and for its intended purpose. We report misuse of equipment to teachers.
  4. Calm Movement in Learning Spaces
    • We move calmly and safely in learning spaces.
  5. Maintaining a Clean and Clear Learning Space
    • We maintain a clean and clear learning space for all, having only the relevant materials in class.

Our teachers have been proactive in recognising and praising students who consistently demonstrate these behaviours in class. To further encourage and celebrate these positive actions, we have introduced "Positive Behaviour Champion" notes. These notes are given to students who exhibit exemplary adherence to the positive behaviour expectations.

To add an element of excitement and motivation, sub-schools have conducted draws where students whose names are on the Positive Behaviour Champion notes are eligible to win canteen vouchers. This approach has not only reinforced positive behaviours but also created a sense of anticipation and reward among the students.


As we move forward, our commitment to fostering a positive and safe school environment remains strong. Next term, we will continue with this approach and shift our focus to behaviours related to "Being Kind in the Classroom." We believe that by systematically addressing different aspects of our Positive Behaviour Expectations Matrix, we can build a holistic and supportive learning community.


Thank you for your continued support in reinforcing these values at home and in the community. Together, we can ensure that our students thrive both academically and personally.


Dr. Fred-Ole Sandt - Assistant Principal