Year 7 African Drumming Incursion

On Wednesday 29th May, during Week 7 of Term 2, all Year 7 students were treated to an unforgettable African Drumming Incursion which was presented by Appiah Annan and Ronald “Yoga” Mensah from Asanti Dance Theatre. This engaging workshop was a unique opportunity for our students to immerse themselves in the rich cultural traditions of West Africa through music and dance as a part of the “World Music” unit.


The workshop started with the melodic sounds of the Kora which filled the room, played by Appiah. The students were mesmerized by the intricate and soothing tunes. The spotlight shifted to Ronald “Yoga” Mensah, whose energy instantly captivated the students. Yoga performed an array of stunning acrobatics that left the audience in awe. He didn't just perform for the students but involved them in his acts, creating an interactive and exhilarating experience. The students were thrilled to participate, cheering and clapping as Yoga showcased his incredible agility.

The highlight of the incursion was the large drumming circle, where students from two classes came together to play music on djembes, traditional West African drums. Guided by Appiah and Yoga, the students learned various rhythms, techniques, and song cycles experiencing the joy and unity that drumming can bring. 


Hear from some students below:


"We had an incursion Wednesday morning, there were two guys who played some awesome music and juggled hats, did flips, and balanced chairs on their heads. We also found small drums placed under our chairs and they showed us how to drum out rhythms with different beats, and how to hold your hands and stuff. I loved participating, it was the best incursion I’ve been on."

Abbey Griffin, Year 7


“The incursion was extraordinary, not only were there two very talented people, but they also taught us some catchy rhythms on the djembe drums. It was incredible.”

Samuel Jia He (W), Year 7


Matt Roche - Teacher of Music