Year 7 & 8 Interschool Sport 

This term many students from Year 7 and 8 travelled out of school to compete in interschool sports. Whether they played AFL, Soccer, Netball, or Badminton was up to them but the competitive aspect kicked in when they got selected from the A-team. This article recounts the many tensions, joys and challenges of Year 7 & 8 boys and girls at Term 2 interschool sport.


“Hi, my name is Tanush and I’m a year 8 student. On the 6th of June I along with my friends played badminton at inter-school sports . We were in the A-Team (the team that plays competitively) and we competed against schools from our District. We won every single match convincingly meaning that we advanced to the next stage, AKA Regionals. We were ecstatic after winning with all our hard work finally paying off in the end. Although giving tough competition, the girls badminton A-Team didn’t make Regionals, sadly losing to Melbourne Girls College . Regardless, I'm sure we all had fun and had an amazing time at Melbourne Uni.”

Tanush T, Year 8


"Hello , my name is Darion and I’m a year 8 student. On the 6th of June I played interschool sports, representing uni-high competitively in Soccer. At the start of the day we traveled to Princes Park and got into our teams. We played against many schools and it was very tough competition. Despite this I had so much time playing soccer with my friends and we played so well as a team. Everyone was very supportive, encouraging each other to do better. The cherry on top was that we made it into the next stage (regionals) which made us all very happy. Overall it was a great day and I hope we do well in regionals."

Darrion H, Year 8