2024 Senior Pathways Expo continued

For those who missed the Senior Pathways Expo, please find Judy Zhu's detailed account of the day below:

The last bell on a seemingly normal Friday may merely have been another student’s regular weekly sound of relief, but for students in year 10 and 11, it drew the finish line of Semester One and its exams. Likewise, for year 10s, it marked the beginning of their year 11 subject selection process, and an exciting new chapter began to unfold: the Senior Expos for VCE.


On the following Tuesday, students from year 9 and 10 had the opportunity to attend the Senior Pathways Expo, in which they were given 12 different pathways of subjects to explore. Those included: Art, Design and Technology, Physical Education and Health, English and EAL (English as an Additional Language), Humanities, Inquiry, LOTE (Language Other Than English), Mathematics, Performing Arts, Science, And VCE-VM (Vocational Major). The event kicked off at 9:15 am, while students, who crammed along the drab line that extended out of 1012, simmered impatiently. At last, a physical copy of the 2025 Senior Pathways VCE Handbook was handed out to every student. And that began everyone’s journey of exploring the VCE subjects University High offers. 

Herein, I shall introduce each sub-section of UHS’ VCE pathways one by one, ensuring that no reader will finish reading this article as confused as the year 10 students before the Expo. 


Art, Design and Technology:

From the entrance to the end of the Art, Design and Technology room, there was not one place that wasn’t drenched with the meticulous artworks from previous VCE students. The most eye-catching view was, of course, notebooks of thick visual art pieces across different media out for display. Together, they forged into a performance, one that is called a folio, indicative of every VCE art student’s hard work and creativity. Displays of 3D and digital art projects from previous years also grabbed the attention of, not just students, but many adults who accompanied them to the Expo, leaving everyone in awe. Other subjects that fall under the Technology branch did not fail to impress, too, with Technology teachers passionately explaining what the pedagogies of VCE Applied Computing and Data Analytics consists of. 


Physical Education and Health:

There were a number of VCE subjects that were showcased in the PE and Health exhibition such as VCE P.E, Health and Human Development and Outdoor and Environmental studies. Showcased were many interactive displays, demonstrations and props that were related to each subject. For example, there were tents, baby dolls and even bean-bag throwing activities distributed around the room, making it extremely clear and engaging for students.


English and EAL:

Whether a student is interested in English linguistics, literature, or learning English on top of their native language/s, University High can offer the right VCE program for them. This is exhibited on the day of the Expo in the English and EAL room. The display of literature across all media, including comics and traditional books, perfectly exemplified the range of English VCE subjects students can choose from. 


Humanities and Inquiries:

University High School has always had a rich Humanities and Inquiries VCE program, which consists of: Accounting, Politics, Business Management, Classical Studies, Economics, Geography, Modern History, Revolutions, Legal Studies and Philosophy. Students who are interested in these subjects were able to fully grasp the learning intentions of each subject with helpful teachers who are passionate about their field of teaching. Extended Investigations was another subject that had its own sub-branch, where students could inquire about the research they would carry out if they were to choose it. 



University High School, offers three languages as  part of the Language Other Than English Curriculum. This includes: French, German and Latin. Those three languages have been integrated as a part of Uni High’s VCE Languages curriculum, which was perfectly highlighted by each LOTE teacher at the Expo.



The science room was packed with captivating experiments and a variety of equipment you would find in the lab. Teachers behind every table were ready to explain and delve into the many intricate details each unique science subject had to offer. VCE science subjects showcased were Psychology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science and Biology. Forensic science was also displayed (A year 10 science subject).



Showcased in the Maths room was an explanation for each subject and clarifications as to what each of them entailed. VCE maths subjects consist of General Mathematics, Mathematics Methods and Specialist Mathematics. A number of maths teachers were spread across the room and were helpful at further elaborating the courses to parents and students. The exclusive subject of Unit 3/4 Algorithmics can also be found offered in UHS. 


Ultimately, at the end of the hour-and-half of the Expo, students all went their separate ways with each one of them having newly profound knowledge regarding each VCE pathway as they continue contemplating their subject choices.