Vice Principal 

& Wellbeing

Mrs Naomi Corfield

Welcome to term 3! It has been a very exciting day at St Mary's as we have noticed some big changes to our buildings. A very big WELL DONE to ALL our amazing students and staff for their continued flexibility and resilience as we look towards the bigger picture. Soon we will be learning in some amazing spaces and will look back at this as an experience to grow and develop our Mind Master thinking as a community.


Thank you to the families who came along to our Learning Conferences at the end of term 2. They were a fantastic way to celebrate student success and growth and an opportunity to set future goals. The staff worked hard on compiling the data slides so we hope that you found it beneficial to be able to unpack them as a family. 

A reminder that if you have any questions about any of the information from data slides or reports please feel free to contact me.