Dates to Remember

Date | Event TERM 3 | |
JULY | ||
Monday | 15/07 | First Day of Term 3 |
Wednesday | 17/07 | St Mary’s Nature Based Playgroup 8:45-9:45am |
| Confirmation Candidates Reconciliation with Father Shymon and Miss Dullard 2:15pm |
Friday | 19/07 | Assembly 8:45am-9:30am |
Sunday | 21/07 | Sacrament of Confirmation Commitment Mass 10am - candidates and families |
Wednesday | 24/07 | St Mary’s Nature Based Playgroup 8:45-9:45am |
Thursday | 25/07 | Confirmation Retreat Day Gr 6s - St Joseph’s Crib Point |
Friday | 26/07 | Olympic Games begin- Dress in Green and Gold |
| Family Fun Friday 2.45pm till 3.15pm All Welcome |
| Bishop visit to Confirmation Candidates 10am (tbc) |
Sunday | 28/07 | Sacrament of Confirmation Mass 10am - all welcome |
Monday | 29/07 | Virtual Incursion - Grade 1/2 ‘s 9:30-10:15am - Melbourne Museum Old Fashioned Toys |
Tuesday | 30/07 | International Day of Friendship |
Wednesday | 31/07 | St Mary’s Nature Based Playgroup 8:45-9:45am |
| AUGUST | |
Friday | 2/08 | Assembly 8:45-9:30am Free Dress Day for PnF Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Donations |
Tuesday | 6/08 | St Mary’s School Board Meeting |
Wednesday | 7/08 | St Mary’s Nature Based Playgroup 8:45-9:45am |
| Mary MacKillop Mass led by Gr 6 - service to others |
Thursday | 8/08 | Parish Athletics Gr 3-6 |
Friday | 9/08 | Family Fun Friday |
Saturday | 10/08 | P & F Bunnings Sausage Sizzle |
Tuesday | 13/08 | Prep Excursion Museum of Play and Art |
Wednesday | 14/08 | St Mary’s Nature-Based Playgroup 8:45-9:45am |
Thursday | 15/08 | DRI Program with Miss Dullard |
Friday | 16/08 | Assembly 8:45-9:30am |
Tuesday | 20/08 | Wakakirri Frankston Arts Centre Grade 3-6 students |
| 21/08 | St Mary’s Nature-Based Playgroup 8:45-9:45am |
| Padua Cookup |
Thursday | 22/08 | MINI MARYS Session 1 - 2:15pm-3pm |
Friday | 23/08 | Book Week Celebration Day Family Fun Friday 8:45-9am |
Tuesday | 27/08 | DRI team visit to Mornington |
Wednesday | 28/08 | St Mary’s Nature-Based Playgroup 8:45-9:45am |
Thursday | 29/08 | CPPSSA District Athletics - Mornington Athletics Track |
Friday | 30/08 | Father's Day Family Fun Breakfast and Mass for Special People |
| |
| Father's Day Stall |
Wednesday | 4/09 | St Mary’s Nature Based Playgroup 8:45-9:45am |
Thursday | 5/09 | Mini Vinnies Student Project Meeting at St Joseph’s 12-3pm |
| MINI MARYS Session 2 - 2:15pm-3pm |
Friday | 6/09 | Family Fun Friday 8:45am-9am |
Wednesday | 11/09 | St Mary’s Nature Based Playgroup 8:45-9:45am |
Friday | 13/09 | Assembly 8:45am-9:30am |
Wednesday | 18/09 | House Spirit Activity |
| End of term for students 3:15pm finish |
Thursday | 19/09
| Staff Conference - School Closure Day - Elysium will run a two day program on these two days |
Friday | 20/09 | Staff Conference - School Closure Day - Elysium will run a two day program on these two days |