Arts and Languages

Ms Blayse Melvin, Middle Leader Arts and Languages

As we head towards the end of term, the Arts department continues to be involved in several exciting events. We had another incredible Jam in the Junction in Week 5 – thanks to Ms Sugars and Miss Kitchener. What an awesome way to spend our lunchtime!


Thank you to Mrs Malcolm and Ms Lister for accompanying our tremendous Year 9 drama students to St Thomas’. The students performed for approximately 45 minutes for the primary school students, who were captivated by our students' every move. Such an inspiration to our younger students!


As the term draws to a close, we would like to congratulate Miss Kitchiner and Una Voce for their inspiring participation and beautiful song at our whole school NAIDOC parade. Una Voce has several upcoming events in the next six weeks. They are competing at the Cairns Eisteddfod on Wednesday of Week 10, and in Term 3, they will be travelling to Brisbane in Week 6 to compete at the Queensland Catholic Music Festival, along with community events such as the Multicultural Festival. We look forward to seeing their performances and wish them the best of luck for the Eisteddfod this week.

This year, our wonderful Miss Petersen has introduced Dance as a Year 7 elective. Throughout this time, they have formed the “St. Stephens Dance Troupe,” which includes 10 students from Years 7 - 9. The students have been working hard and rehearsing tirelessly and will compete on Thursday night of Week 10 in Cairns. We wish them the best of luck.


So much is always happening in the Arts department, and we cannot wait to share it all with you at the Arts Exhibition Night in Term 3, Week 5, Friday. Please lock this into your calendar. It will be a culmination of visual art, media art, music, drama and dance. Make sure you come along and support our talented students.


Ms Blayse Melvin | Middle Leader Arts and Languages