Business Manager

Mr Hadyn Flynn, Business Manager

I attended the annual Australian School Business Administrators (ASBA) conference on the Gold Coast during week 6 of Term 2.


The main topics covered were:


•  Using research data                                            •  Healthy Habits of High Performers

•  Building culture                                                     •  Building Resilience

•  Corporate Strategies                                           •  Exceptional Leadership

•  AI – what is on the horizon?


There was a great mix of thought provoking and challenging presenters. There is a real benefit to professional collaboration, sharing ideas, challenges and solutions that have been implemented on other sites. Of course, there is also a real richness to the networking possibilities at the accompanying social events.


I was also able to meet with all the Business Managers from other Diocesan Colleges at St Andrews Redlynch on the 31st May.


It was another opportunity to learn together and build collegiality. It reinforces the idea of teaching group work skills to our current students.  Our classrooms need to reflect our future workspaces – where collaboration, listening with intent and communication will be highly valued.


The Innovation Centre will be such a space for collaborative class work and learning the skills required to be a life-long learner. We should see the first sod turned on this project in mid-July 2024.


Kind regards,


Hadyn Flynn


David (SAC), Paul (CES), Amos (Newman), Scott (St Monica), me, Hugh (St Andrews)
David (SAC), Paul (CES), Amos (Newman), Scott (St Monica), me, Hugh (St Andrews)