In Week 9 we celebrated NAIDOC Week, in recognition of the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Our week was enriched by the many special visitors who facilitated a range of activities for our students.


Tuesday: Craft

Wednesday: Cultural Cooking

Thursday: Spear and Boomerang Throwing with Djabugay Bulmba Rangers

Friday: Assembly

Our NAIDOC Week assembly was unlike any other with a special visit from the Cairns Taipans and Assistant Coach, Mr Kerry Williams who addressed the College before a St Stephen's vs Cairns Taipans basketball shootout!


During the assembly, we also welcomed dancers from Mareeba State High School who performed a number of traditional dances.

As part of the assembly we celebrated Binda Yow-Yeh who received the Nulung-Kayn Kasi badge in recognition of her journey as a young developing leader.

To finish off the day, the Cairns Taipans ran a basketball workshop!

We thank all of the special visitors who helped us celebrate NAIDOC Week!