Year 7 & 8 Science

In Year 7 Science this term, the students have been studying Chemistry and Biology. In Chemistry, the students investigated the different properties of mixtures and how to separate mixtures based on their properties. The students completed a range of experiments to identify properties, including testing the solubility of different substances and comparing the density of different solutions. Students learnt how to use magnetic separation, filtration, and evaporation to separate materials.
In Biology, the students have been looking at classification and the differences between different species. As part of the Biology unit, students identified the differences in skeleton structure between a sardine, prawn and squid using dissection. This provided students the opportunity to visualise the different structures.
The Year 8 Science class has been studying the physics of potential and kinetic energy. The students designed an experiment identifying a question, completed a test, and are preparing a video of the experiment. Students tested how:
- Potential, kinetic, and elastic energy changed during bounce or collision experiments;
- Insulation affected the heat transfer of water;
- Elastic energy could be used to power boats.
Experiments provide a great opportunity for students to practice the scientific method of questioning, creating hypothesis, designing a method, testing, gathering and evaluating data and forming a conclusion based on the data collected.
Lisa Thomson
Science Teacher