From the Head of College Operations' Desk

It’s finally happened. I had a student tell me that I taught his dad! For years, I’ve been trying to pretend I’m still young, but I think that puts the proverbial nail in the... well, let’s not go there… The point is I’ve been teaching for a while. This year makes 33 years of teaching in Christian schools. Jesus lived on earth for 33 years! You’d think I’d be better at it by now. However, I’m still just as, if not even more, passionate about it. I’m passionate about people coming to know Christ, who is everything, and to learn and live for him. I’ve seen over these years, Christian schooling plays a key role in this.
One of the first images I was introduced to regarding the reason for Christian schooling, was that of a child’s life represented by the 3 legged stool. Each leg was needed for the stability/wholeness of their life. One leg was the Home, the second was the Christian school, the third was the Church. Yes, it’s probably too simplistic, but you’ve likely heard “it takes a village to raise a child” and this is the sentiment: to choose “your village” wisely.
If you’re reading this, there’s a very high chance you’re a parent to whom God has given the responsibility of raising one or more children, and to introduce them to Jesus their creator and to somehow disciple them toward accepting Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. As for myself, a father of four children, now all adults with Christian faith, I look back and can say – Praise God for the 3-legged stool. Believe it or not, there have been times, even seasons where my fathering wasn’t enough by itself, but God used their Christian communities at school and at church to continue to sew into them seeds of faith and truth that I longed to see in them. Even in times when my role-modeling wasn’t attractive, they could still see God’s goodness in leaders from school and church.
As the parent, yes, we have the main responsibility before God, but can I encourage you to take stock of the “village” surrounding you? As part of the school mission statement, it says that we exist to support Christian families, so well done on choosing Christway College. As part of enrolment, all families should be connected to a church. If that’s currently a ‘leg of the stool’ that’s broken, can I suggest it’s time to mend it, for your sake and your children’s? No Church is perfect, but that’s why we fit in. And of the highest importance in your home, is Christ clearly the centre? Take stock. Christway College alone won’t balance the stool.
In closing, and as we come to the halfway mark of our 25th year as a school and our inaugural year as Christway College, I’m so encouraged by what I see around me. To name just a few: Prefects who ask to run a Pyjama party for the Primaries. Students preach at the Secondary Chapel with excitement and sincerity. The fun and community of our combined House Athletics. PFA Disco and Trivia night. The Winter Concert was outstanding by the concert bands, ensembles and Primary Choir. Preparations are happening and excitement building for the “Oliver!” musical, as well as for our Townsville and Fiji mission trips.
Parents, thank you for your continued support for the school as we seek to support you in your desires to see your children “Growing in Christ, Striving for excellence, Influencing the world.”
Looking forward to the rest of the year.
Grace and Peace
Darren John
Head of College Operations
Note: As part of the Christway Community, families have access to the Rightnow Media. Included in their resources are many teaching series for the Christian home. Please use this link to gain access: Rightnow Media – Christway College