Callistemon House

Welcome back to Term 3! Hello everyone! I'm Abhi and I have the honour of serving as your SRC member.
What I look forward to the most in this role is the opportunity to work closely with all of you to make our school a more vibrant and inclusive community. I enjoy being able to listen to your ideas and concerns and then working with the SRC team to bring about positive changes.
As we dive into Term 3, we have a lot of exciting events and initiatives planned. Last term, we had a pizza stall and raised a lot of money, and in Term 1, we did a lolly jar which raised money as well. This term, we have ideas for a donut stall or even hot noodles. There will be sport equipment for hire in Callistemon. We are always looking for new ideas. If you have any suggestions for events or improvements, please don't hesitate to reach out.
A huge congratulations to everyone who participated in the Chorales Competition. We came in 4th place and your dedication and talent truly shone through. Whether you were singing, organising or supporting your peers, you played a crucial role in making the event a success. We won Swimming and Athletics. We can't win everything! Thank you for your hard work and enthusiasm.
Looking forward to an amazing term with all of you!
Abhi B
Year 9 SRC