Banksia House

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Term 3.
It was great to see people participating in Chorales. It was awesome seeing our students coming together and overcoming challenges. Well done to those students who did partake in Chorales. We are looking forward to seeing more Banksians participate in future events.
This term is about choosing our future pathways and where we want to go. At the beginning of this term, the Year 9 and 10s will be picking their courses for next year.
This term's focus is getting more students to partake in future events and coming together as a House. Week 4 Friday during lunch, Banksia will be holding a UNO game tournament. There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. We hope to see you guys there!
Hanna B
Year 9 SRC
Meet the Banksia House Leadership Team!