Fern House

Hello everyone, I am Wayne, the Year 9 SRC for Fern House. I am honoured to be able to tell you all about the upcoming event we have planned and discuss previous events that have passed.
But before I get ahead of myself, let me welcome you all back to the third term of the school year. I hope everyone had a nice break, but now it’s time to get back into the schooling habit. Remember to wear your sport uniform on the days you have sport/PE and your academic uniform with the tie for all the other days.
First, I would like to reflect on Chorales and how we did. I am pleased to say that Fern got a comfortable 3rd place finish on the day. I must say that the atmosphere was incredible and watching everyone sing at the end of the night was a surreal experience. If you did not come to Chorales this year, then I would strongly advise you to come next year as it is something you won’t be able to do in your later years in life. I would also like to thank everyone who came to Chorales this year. We really appreciate you coming and showing your support.
Next, I would like to talk about the events we have coming up for this term. From Fern, we are doing a food stand selling donuts and drinks with all the funds going to a charity called AusRelief, who are a non-profit organisation specialising in giving food and amenities to those in need in Australia.
We are also planning to run a sport event somewhere this term. It will be a soccer event for all to enjoy. We will be posting more about it in the future so be on the lookout for that. You may hear an announcement about it or see posters in your House.
That’s all for now. I hope you all enjoy the start of this term and make sure to stay warm in these cold times.
Wayne H
Year 9 SRC
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