Eucalyptus House

Hello, everyone! I'm Asma A, representing Year 9 students from Eucalyptus in 2024.
I hope you enjoyed your break and I want to welcome back all staff and students.
I enjoy being part of the House SRC where we can share our ideas, get experience and make more connections all around the school.
At the end of Term 2, we held the House Choral Competition. Although we were not placed in the competition, I want to thank our House students who participated and showed pride in Eucalyptus House. Their commitment to practise and all the time spent together really contributed to our House spirit. We also have Lunchtime Club in E1 and E2 where students catch up on their studies or play games.
Throughout this term, the HLT and SRCs have been pushing for improvement in uniform and student lateness. We are looking forward to seeing how our fellow House students commit to these goals.
This year, we are supporting a charity called Education Backpacks for Kids. We are brainstorming ways that will help us raise money for children who are in need. We have thought of many ideas and we came up with selling doughnuts. This is a fun way to raise money for school backpacks for kids. It's easy to set up and we can help kids who need it. Plus, it brings us together as a school community to support a great cause.
Thank you and I hope everyone feels refreshed after the long-term break and ready for all the fun events and activities coming up in Term 3.
Asma A
Year 9 SRC
Meet the Eucalyptus House Leadership Team!