Student of the Week

ClassChild           Reason 
Prep AMadeline                                                                                      For showing the school value of achievement. Madeline, you have been doing an amazing job learning your sounds and working on your writing. We are so lucky to have such a kind classmate in Prep A. Well Done!
Prep BAll of Prep BFor showing the school value of Achievement by working really hard this week in Literacy to complete activities, work with focus and achieve success. 
Prep CArchie

For showing the school value of Achievement. Archie we are so impressed with how hard you have been working in class, and the effort you are putting into your work,. Keep it up, superstar!



For showing the school value of  Achievement.

Congratulations Eleanor, we are so impressed with your maths skills and application of counting patterns when solving word problems.  A great job at showing your working out.  Super job, Eleanor



For showing the school value of achievement for working her heart out in class and for her very interesting Show and Tell about her family trip.  


1CAll of 1C

For showing the school value of Achievement in our Literacy Teaching Group Session. I am so proud of all of your  hard work during our sessions. You have practised so many new skills for decoding and comprehension. You have also helped each other learn. Well done!



For shobwing the school value of Respect. Edgar follows the group plan and shows whole body listening while on the floor. It is wonderful to see Edgar putting his hand up to answer questions.


2BWhole of 2B

For showing all the school values. 2B you had so much fun dressing up and embraced all activities celebrating our 100th birthday. Well done!


2CEthan M

For showing the school value of Empathy and Achievement. Ethan has a positive attitude towards his learning. You were a maze superstar during coach approach this week and I loved the way you showed excellent sportsmanship as well. Keep it up


3AAll of 3A

For showing the school values of CARE. 3A, you’ve shown great respect this week and put in amazing effort to all your tasks. 



For showing the school value of Achievement, especially in our maths sessions! You’ve been working so hard on subtraction and I love the way you spotlight your work.



For showing the school values of Achievement and Empathy. You have been working so hard in our writing sessions and I have loved reading your creative recount! You are a kind friend and a considerate member of our class.  


4AFrankieFor always showing the school value of respect, as well as kindness. Frankie is a kind and considerate class member who is always ready to learn. You’re a star Frankie.

For showing all the school values each day. Bonnie, you always show kindness and respect to class members and put effort into all tasks. This week you worked especially hard on your creative writing to do your personal best. Well done!



For showing the school value of CARE. Liam you always demonstrate our CARE values in the way you approach school life. Congratulations on being a 4C superstar



For showing the school values of cooperation, achievement, respect and empathy each day in 5A. Thanks for sharing your excellent math strategies.


5BAll of 5B

For showing the school value of respect. 5B, I have received so much wonderful feedback from relief teachers, who have asked me to let you know that  you are a delight and so well mannered. You are an amazing group of students and should be very proud of yourselves. Well done!



For showing the school value of achievement by clearly articulating his understanding when working through subtraction problems and editing his work. 


5DLayla FFor showing the school value of Achievement. Layla has shown incredible resilience overcoming her broken arm and produced vivid narrative stories, detailed summaries in Lit Circles and worked in extension with Multiplication. Congratulations, Layla!






For showing the school CARE values. Josh, you are always respectful to everyone and aim to achieve your learning goals. Well done. 


For showing the school value of Achievement. Charlotte, I have been amazed by the outstanding effort you have been putting into Literacy Circles. Keep it up!

6BLou For showing the school value of Achievement. Lou, your Lit Circle work was outstanding this week. Congratulations on being an all round superstar!

For showing ALL the school values by expertly balancing her duties as School Captain, with the demands of completing classroom and homework tasks


PERFORMING ARTSPrep AFor showing the school value of achieving their best on the glockenspiels! 

For showing the school value of COOPERATION whilst making and testing our sundials… Well done