Compass News and Events

Please check Compass for this weeks' news and events.

.Compass Events:

Yr 5/6 Production: Peter Pan
Year 4 Indigenous Landscapes Tour - City Walking Tour
Year 6 Term 2-3 Interschool Sport 2024

Compass News:

​Eltham North Primary School Vacation Care Calendar
Year 3 Dance
Reported Slapped Cheek Case
Book Club Issue 4
RHUniforms Retail School Transition to Spartan School World
ISS Fixture
Confirmed Case of Influenza A
Modification to parent helper procedures
Road Safety Notice - Please Read in Full

Trays and Platters to be picked up from the staff room.

Thank You to all parents who contributed to the 100th birthday morning tea, your plates, platters or trays are waiting to be picked up from the staff room. 

100th  Year Merchandise

We still have tea towels at $10 each at the office to celebrate our 100 year birthday.

We also has wristbands available at the office for $2 each.

$2 each
$10 Tea Towels
$2 each
$10 Tea Towels

Parking Guide