News & Information

Year 3 Working with Clay
Year 3 students have been enjoying creating with clay this week in Visual Arts. Students are making clay objects with various holes, to use for weaving after the pieces have been fired in the kiln.
This art project is in response to students learning about the Tasmanian Aboriginal art methods of weaving and working with clay, and also connects with their studies of rocks and soil in science this term.
PJ & Comfy Clothes Day
It was a fun and cosy dress up day on Thursday at LCS, as our Student Leadership Council organised a PJ & Comfy Clothes Day and made warm milos for students at lunch time.
Winter has certainly set in here in Tassie, so it was great to be able to dress in warm and comfy clothes to beat the winter chills.
All proceeds from the free dress day and milos go to the Mish's winter appeal. The Mish programs connect young people through mentoring and unconventional learning experiences, helping them to build confidence and develop important work and life skills.
Bridge Pressure Test
This term our Year 9 students have been taking part in the Model Bridge Unit in Design and Technology: Materials, and recently tested their models.
Students delved into bridge design during this unit, exploring scale drawing, orthographic projections, engineering principles, and crafting 3D models. They researched historical techniques, discovering how different shapes influenced strength and stability.
It was an exciting journey of exploration and learning, particularly during the pressure test as students eagerly awaited to see which designs held the most weight. Well done to all the students - their designs were really impressive!!
Sociology 3 Special Guest Speakers
Sociology 3 students enjoyed some special guest speakers who came and spoke to the class recently. Mr Graeme Smith (Head of Finance) and Mr Stuart Kent (Principal) shared with students who are currently working through the unit: Institutions, Power and Politics. Mr Smith spoke about the business side of education, particular on where school funding comes from, and where it goes. Mr Kent shared about the history of education and gave an overview of how formal schooling has become a part of society.
Year 10 ADF Visit
Year 10 is a pivotal year for our students, as they consider their future, and what university or job opportunities they would like to pursue. Our students have been enjoying a variety of speakers come and share with them about employment opportunities within different organisations. This week we had the pleasure of the Australian Defence Force sharing with our students, and students enjoyed hearing about the different courses and opportunities available through the ADF.
In continuing to offer Year 10's a range of learning opportunities to prepare them for Senior Secondary studies and Vocational Training, teaching staff have planned an exam and careers program that will run next week. Career sessions will be held after mid-year exams, and we pray that these opportunities are a wonderful learning experience and encouragement to our students as they move forward into their final two years with us.
Careers Expo
Last month Secondary students were invited to attend the Independent Schools Careers Expo at Tailrace Centre. This opportunity gives parents and students a chance to meet with a range of career exhibitors.
Employment Opportunities
Important Reminder: Parking @ LCS
We would like to remind everyone about the importance of adhering to our school's parking policy. It is crucial that we all abide by the posted speed limit to protect the safety of our children and other users of this shared space. Failure to do so puts our ability to continue using Windsor Park for drop-off and pick-up at risk.
Please take a moment to review the attached parking policy, which outlines the guidelines and expectations we must follow. Compliance with this policy is not optional - it is essential for the wellbeing of our school community and our continued use of this facility.
We urge everyone to drive slowly and carefully when entering and exiting the park and to ensure that you park in a safe manner within the designated areas. Let's work together to address this issue before it escalates further.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Lemons Needed
The HEC department would love donations of lemons throughout the school year. If you have a tree overflowing with lemons, please consider donating them to our department. Thank you!
From the Office
Please note that the school office will be open on the following days and times during the school holiday period, the 1st of July - 19th of July:
Monday 1st July - Friday 13 July: 9:00am - 3:30pm on Mondays - Thursdays but closed on Fridays.
The last week of the holidays will look a little different due to various staff events:
Monday and Tuesday, 15 and 16 July:9:00am - 3:00pm.
Wednesday 17 July: 9:00am - 12:00pm.
Thursday and Friday 18 and 19 July: closed
We wish you a safe and restful break.
Monica Kibbel,
Office Manager
Extended Leave Reminder
Please be aware that if your child will be absent from school for 3 days or more for recreation or travel, parents/carers are required to complete an Extended Leave Application Form in advance.
Kindly click the link to download the LCS Extended Leave Policy and Application Form so you may familiarise yourself with the procedure and to apply if needed.
Chewing Gum Reminder
There has been an increased number of Secondary School students seen with chewing gum. A reminder to everyone that chewing gum is prohibited from all areas of the LCS campus.
Don't Miss Out - Get LCS Parent Orbit Today
Please remove 'The LCS Hub' app (see below) from your devices and replace them with Parent Orbit. Please note that The LCS Hub app is inaccessible. The Hub is now accessible via the Parent Orbit app.
I'm excited to share that over 80% of our parent community is now using ParentOrbit, our new Parent App. I encourage you to join them and stay connected with all the latest updates from LCS.
With ParentOrbit, you'll receive important “push notifications” directly to your phone, including reminders for upcoming school events and urgent updates like bus cancellations or delays. It's the easiest way to stay informed about everything happening at school.
Primary School Parent-Teacher interviews are just around the corner, and booking interviews with teachers is incredibly simple using ParentOrbit. Plus, our school musical, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” is fast approaching. You can easily book tickets by clicking the “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” slider in ParentOrbit, which will take you directly to the ticketing system.
Don't miss out on these convenient features and stay informed with all the essential school news. Download ParentOrbit today and ensure you're always in the loop.
Go to: OR scan the QR code below. You’ll be directed to the Apple or Google store.
Click the Install button. After the app is installed, our school will be loaded as an account. If prompted to enter a school code, our school code is LCS. Click on our school’s name then tap the login button.
Enter your parent account credentials for TheHub/Parent Lounge into the login screen. When prompted, allow Parent Orbit to send you notifications.
Should you encounter any issues during the installation process or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office staff on 6327 2854 or email me directly on
Thank you for your cooperation and for being an active participant in our school community. We look forward to connecting with you through our Parent App – Parent Orbit!
Kind regards,
Brad Robinson
Head of ICT
Outside School Hours Care - LCS Campus
In partnership with Hope Discovery, we are delighted to offer Launceston Christian School families after school care in 2024.
We understand the pressures and demands families face as they schedule work commitments around schooling.
Hope Discovery is taking enrolments to host after school hours care on LCS premises now, and sessions will begin on Monday the 5th of February, 3.15-6pm, for LCS students aged 4-12.Contact or call 03 6343 4614 for information about pricing and to enrol students. Details in the attached flier.
Uniform Shop School Holiday Hours
Please note that the Uniform Shop will only be available during the third week of the school holidays (15th to 19th July) by appointment only.
If you have any inquiries regarding uniforms, or need to make an appointment, please get in touch with our Uniform Coordinator: Anne Rixon, at 0400573902
A REMINDER: LCS Uniform Policy - Shoes
Designated sports shoes only
LCS Volunteer Application Form
At LCS, we believe in the importance of fostering a positive, supportive community. We believe that parents and community members are essential partners in achieving this goal, and we would like to invite you to consider volunteering at LCS. We welcome your involvement if you have a specific skill or talent to share or simply want to lend a helping hand.
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form below and return it to the Office/email it to together with the required documentation.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you.