Latest news

Cosi all wrapped up

A big congratulations goes out to all cast and crew members whose hard work and dedication made Cosi the resounding success that it was!


The Drama 3 and Theatre Performance 3 students put on two spectacular shows at the Moonah Arts Centre on 7-8 June. 


Their passion, creativity and talent shone brightly on stage as they captured the essence of Louis Nowra's heartwarming comedy, a beautiful story of friendship and embracing difference set against the backdrop of 1970s Australia. 


Thank you to director/Senior Drama Teacher Leah Wallace, with assistance from Relief Drama Teacher Sally Lewry, for your dedication in guiding the students, and thank you to our audience for supporting the shows.

First Nations update

On 27 May the First Nations students participated in a cultural dance workshop led by well-known community member, Niara Mansell, pictured here. 

Niara took us through three main cultural dances: gathering, hunting and the journey of mutton-birds (Yula Yula). The most popular dance was the mutton-bird, due to its meaning: the start of life, the journey of travel and coming back to the nest to finish the journey. 


The workshop allowed the students to put together a dance they found strength and meaning within. It was great to see everyone connected to their culture and bonding with one another. 


Bellah Parker 

Learning Support Officer - First Nations

Students visit Hobart Mosque

As part of the Year 9 Life and Faith and Year 11/12 Studies of Religions courses, our students recently visited the Hobart Mosque to enhance their understanding of the beliefs and practices of Islam. It was nice to be able to combine the year levels to attend this excursion. 


The students were met by Imam Sabri who gave a brief history of the Hobart Mosque and then explained significant artefacts within the Mosque, including the Minbar, the Mihrab, Qur’an verses and the direction of Mecca. 

The students were able to share their knowledge of the beliefs and practices of Muslims and also gained new information and understanding from the Imam. 


Fiona Chambers

Learning Leader of Religious Education

Year 2 draws our history

Year 2 Wombats have been learning about the history of our school buildings, in particular the existing old Convent. The class looked in detail at the outside features of this building and then did some observational drawings. Well done to the students on their lovely creations.