Take note

School traffic safety

To ensure the ongoing safety of our students, we would again like to remind all members of our school community to always drive slowly, carefully and respectfully around our College. 


Families are reminded that the College has a designated 'Kiss and Go' zone on Harrington Street. We encourage this to be used when students are not accompanied on the grounds by an adult.


It is important that the Kiss and Go zone is not used as a parking area and that time limits are adhered to, so that further traffic congestion is avoided. 


As a further safety measure, traffic cones have been set out to prevent unsafe turning and parking in the driveway on Brisbane Street during pick up and drop off times. The traffic cones are not to be moved. Our staff will continue to monitor this area. 


As an inner-city school, the College faces some car park limitations, however when it comes to parking etiquette, please be reminded that we should always act in a calm and responsible manner. We ask that you please follow the directions of the staff trying to manage traffic and keep our children safe.

Survey reminder

A friendly reminder to please complete the 2024 St Mary's College School Results Survey by close of business, Wednesday 26 June


The survey is seeking feedback from parents/carers, staff and students on a range of key issues relating to the College. 

An email was sent to parents/carers on Wednesday 12 June outlining the survey process and providing the personalised link to the survey. The survey is being conducted independently by a third party and as such, all responses are confidential. 


Please contact the College if you require any additional information. Thank you in advance for your assistance. 

Jumping for heart health 

Jump Rope for Heart is well underway in the Junior School, and it’s great to see so many students out in the playground skipping with smiles on their faces.

It’s not long until our ‘jump off’ day on Wednesday 26 June, so we challenge students to keep practising their tricks and fancy footwork. 


Still need to sign up online? It's easy - just follow this link and enter your student details. 

And don't forget to share the St Mary's College online fundraising page with friends and family to raise money for a great cause.