From the Principal

Damian Messer

Murphy's Café

Although it is hard to assess the timelines on development, we are pleased to share that the building surveyor arrived on site today to sign off on our Café development. The Murphy's Café outdoor seating area will officially open next week for trading. Students will be able to access the facility during recess and lunch time, and it is our aim to also make it available to the wider SMC community. The Café opens at 7.30am and we are looking to extend opening hours past 3.00pm to allow our parents and carers to access the Café before or after picking up their young person. It is an exciting time for the College as we continue building on the components of our master plan to enhance the opportunities available for our students. 


We take this opportunity to thank all who have been involved in the planning and construction of the Café. On behalf of the College I wish to thank, in particular, Property Services Manager, Mr Barry Figgel and his Maintenance team who have done much of the heavy lifting. As you can see from the photos, it looks great!


It never ceases to amaze me how much extraordinary talent we have in our student cohort. This was very much on show at the recent senior Drama performance of Cosi. Our students, under the direction of Ms Leah Wallace (Senior Drama Teacher) and Ms Sally Lewry (Relief Drama Teacher), provided the audience with two outstanding evenings of entertainment. I wish to congratulate all involved in the show and thank them for their time and dedication to their craft. 

View more photos from Cosi in Latest news. 

Winter appeal 

As we move ever closer to the shortest day of the year, we are starting to really feel the cold. Each year the College supports the annual St Vincent de Paul winter clothing appeal as a way of giving the gift of warmth to those in our community experiencing or at risk of homelessness. 


Over the coming weeks, I urge you all to have a look in those hidden nooks and crannies at home for any warm blankets and clothing items that would be beneficial to those in need this winter. Donations can be made at the clothing bins located outside of the Year 11/12 Common Room. This is an extremely worthwhile cause and I know that the organisation will appreciate any support that we are able to give them at this time.