9/10 Elective History


Throughout Term 2 the 9/10 elective history class have been studying Ancient Aztecs. 


We have researched Ancient Aztec society, people and beliefs. Ancient Aztec people created an empire that cultivated art, music and religion. Aztec pottery was one of their richest traditions and they used hand building techniques such as coil building. Brigitte and Allana from Latenight Potter helped us to create our own Aztec pottery. 


They demonstrated and explained the technique and students had the opportunity to create their own bowls, which they then decorated with Aztec designs. This was a fantastic opportunity to consolidate our learning and to try something new.


Year 9 HSIE


Students in year 9 have been studying World War One with a focus on Australians at war. They have learned about what life would have been like for soldiers living in the trenches and some of the hardships they would have faced. Classes recently had the opportunity to have a ‘taste’ of a soldier’s life by trying foods such as spam, cheese, hard tack with some jam to help it go down and ANZAC biscuits.