
At Holy Rosary School all children and families are expected to be Wellbeing Warriors who look after the safety and wellbeing of themselves and others

Last Thursday we had a school closure day so that staff could learn more about mental health and wellbeing. It was a really terrific day that enabled staff to learn, reflect and share, engaging with information as well as each other. 


One part of the day was spent looking at ‘typical’ child development. This was a particularly enlightening session, as staff gained insights into what they should be seeing in their students as well as what to look out for when it comes to dealing with stress. There was great discussion around what teachers notice in their classrooms and it also affirmed some behaviours that staff had previously observed, as ‘typical’, reassuring them that responses were appropriate. 


Together we collated the information into the three tables below. Have a read through and see if you have also noticed these behaviours in your child/children. There are also some strategies and ways that adults can help to support kids when dealing with challenging times. 





Book of the Week

Your Head’s not the Place to Store Problems, by Josh Pyke is a great children’s book about asking for help when you have a problem. This is a really important skill for children to learn. This is a fun way to talk about who your trusted people are that you can turn to when needed.