Classroom learning

3/4 Newsletter
This term, the 3/4 students have been reading the class novel ‘The Little Wave’, written by Pip Harry. The book focuses on the themes of friendship, new experiences and staying true to yourself. Students have used the text to deepen their comprehension strategies including predicting, connecting and summarising. We have also started analysing sentence patterning and have been creating rich sentences based on the author’s structure. As this book explores pen pals, the students have started letter writing. Maybe they could write a letter to family or friends during the holidays.
The 3/4 students have been exploring chance and data during the term, using critical thinking and problem solving skills Looking at real life examples such as weather graphs, students used the data to make predictions and answer questions. Students used Google Spreadsheets on their Chromebooks to create tables and graphs using information they gathered from the class.
This Wednesday, the 3/4 students are hosting a show & tell afternoon with their parents, showcasing their research on endangered animals and conservation. Students have been researching, creating and editing a presentation using Google Slides about their chosen endangered animal, threats they face and what we can do to help. This has led to some enthusiastic discussions about the impacts humans can have on habitats and what we can do to prevent them becoming extinct in the future. We can’t wait for you to join us on Wednesday so we can share our discoveries.
Saturday 15th June, 18 of the year 4 students celebrated their First Eucharist at the Holy Rosary Church. Eucharist is at the heart of our faith and as Catholics we gather each week to share the bread and wine that becomes the body and blood that nourishes our spirit. Eucharist is the sacrament that completes the process of initiation and is when our students can fully participate in the Eucharist by receiving Holy Communion. Students were supported by family and friends as they took this important step in their faith journey. We would like to thank Father Thang for his guidance and both families and teachers for preparing the children for this special occasion.