
This term, our Year 10 Ignite students identified cooking as a project focus. They spent time reviewing healthy eating habits and different ways eating is important in our world.
Meal Planning
The focus became developing our skills and learning how to plan and cook a breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Breakfast: We started our day with full tummies after eating ‘Eggs your way’. Students made delicious fried and scrambled eggs as well as french toast.
... Student feedback: “I made too much, I couldn’t eat it all”.
Lunch: Fried Rice
... Student feedback: “I liked how the fried egg was mixed in with the rice”, “It was tasty”
... Areas to improve: “The rice was a bit soft”, “We could add different veggies and more meat”.
Dinner: Honey Soy Beef Noodles were packaged up and taken home for dinner. We hope families enjoyed sharing these creations.
... Student feedback: “It was so nice I’m going to make it again at home”
Areas to improve: “It needed more sauce, and the sauce could be thicker”, “Put in fewer noodles, or more beef”.
Rebecca Scollen