VCE Vocational Major

📌 VCE Vocational Major Presentation at St Mary’s Subject Expo
On Thursday 25th July VCE VM students participated in the VCE Subject Expo in the Multipurpose Hall, showcasing the VCE VM and VET components of the VCE.
Students created a display of work tasks and posters to showcase their learning so far in 2024. Students presented to current Year 9 and 10 students about the Vocational Major program, the subjects they have undertaken and some of the work tasks and assessments they have completed. VM students also presented information about their chosen VET courses.
For two hours the students spoke to various groups of students about their experiences. They showed commitment and dedication and a keenness to share their journey so far with others.
As a VCE VM teaching team we would like to congratulate the VCE VM students and the involved Ignite students on the way they presented themselves and the team approach they showed to delivering their presentations.
📌 VCE VM Raising Awareness of Homelessness
Following on from their excursion to The Big Issue, students have been working on folding origami houses to support the Victorian Homeless Network in raising awareness of issues around homelessness in Victoria through the Houses at Parliament Initiative. The initiative aims to make 60,000 origami houses to raise awareness about the urgent need for more social and public housing in Victoria. The 60,000 target represents the additional social homes needed to meet the current need in Victoria.
VCE VM students have folded over 100 houses so far for a display in the secondary hallway.
Watch this space for our final piece.
Amanda Hard
Melissa Wood