Whole School News

JSC Animal Dress Up Fundraiser

The JSC and Sustainability teams have partnered up to clean up our school! Students have loved being Litter Legends and there has been a request for more items to help pick up rubbish and keep our school rubbish free. 


Next Thursday 27th June students and teachers are invited to dress as animals and bring a gold coin donation. All money raised will be put towards purchasing items for the Sustainability's Litter Legends initiative.


Thanks so much for your support!

JSC & Sustainability Teams

Big Group Hug Needs Kids Coats!

Big Group Hug has run out of coats for local kids in need.  Until the end of term please leave at Reception any kids size 2 to kids size 16 coats.  Any winter clothes will be gratefully accepted, but they desperately need coats.


Thank you!



School Photo Catch Up


Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)


Students Of The Week


Congratulations To Our Leaders Of Learning!!


Term 2 - Week 9


Prep K - Isla S

Prep S - Darcy S

1/2P - Jaxon H and Inaaya F

1/2K - Nina M

1/2S -  Abdullah

1/2W - Millie S

2/3W - Arlo S

3/4B - Ivy P and Sienna D

3/4T - Kiaan P and Dinithi W

4/5H - Angelina L

5/6D - Bella S

5/6C - Maevan M

5/6A - Sasha W




House Cup 


Term 2 - Week 9 Winner - Green Grevillea!!!!!


Red Waratah - 6 Points

Green Grevillea - 4 Points

Blue Gum -  3 Points

Golden Wattle - 2 Points