A note from Mr Jackson

Early Finish Next Week
A reminder to our community that on Friday next week we will finish the day a little bit earlier then usual. The assembly will move forward to 1:30pm and the final bell will go at 2:30pm. Supervision in the playground will cease at 2:45pm. Parents are reminded to ensure that children are picked up by this time.
Final Assembly
Our final assembly will be held at 1:30pm on Friday next Week. It will be a chance to acknowledge the contribution and leadership of the semester 1 Sustainability Agents and Junior School Counsellors. We will also acknowledge our Students of the Week.
Sovereign Hill: Strikes Gold
This week, students in the 4/5/6 Learning Area arrived early on Wednesday and boarded two buses, setting off on an excursion to Sovereign Hill in Ballarat. They returned with wonderful stories of learning, small glass vials with very small amounts of gold as well as energy and gratefulness for attending the experience. A special thanks to our volunteers and our staff who had a long but rewarding day. All agreed, as they disembarked from the buses, the day will prove a highlight for 2024!
Values Linked Explicitly to Expected Behaviours
A great deal of reflection by students and staff have seen the development of behaviour expectations in different school environments. This work in the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support program, ensures behavioural expectations are explicit for all students. Attached are descriptions of such behaviours in the playground, classrooms and the toilets.
Staff have spent a great deal of time to ensure that they are responding to behaviours in consistent ways. The clarification of minor and major behaviour incidents as well as follow up with students, other staff and the parents help ensure consistency of practise across the school. Attached is a simple outline of the processes related to how minor and major incidents are managed at the school.
3/4 Camp Orientation
Parents are invited to stay after school next Wednesday and learn a little more about our planned 3/4 camp to Phillip Island. It will be a chance to gain a clearer understanding about the site, planned activities and supports in place for students as they venture on this two night camp. The camp is scheduled for early term 4, next week's briefing will provide information and answer questions in preparation. We will be gathering at 3:40pm in the classroom of 34B. All are welcome.
Emergency Action Plan
Next Monday, students, staff and visitors to our school will participate in an emergency lockdown. These emergency drills are a requirement for all schools. It seeks to remind all in our community of the importance of knowing what to do and when to do it in an emergency situation. I encourage you to have a conversation with your child about a wide range of emergency scenarios that they may experience.
Reflections on Our Extra Curricula Activities
A range of extra curricula experiences are available at Rosanna Primary for students. These experiences include: Chessmates, Creative Masterminds, Digimaker, Instrumentalists, Sporty Stars (Sports and Dance), SRI Christianity and Yoga. We are inviting those who attend any of these to offer their reflections on their child’s experiences. You can complete the survey even if your child does not attend and suggest some other ideas about extra curricula activities. We are always striving for improvements and want to celebrate the great options that students are enjoying beyond the classroom!