News from the Library

At times, due to unpredictable events, library borrowing has sometimes not been able to occur and for this we apologise.
To allow for students to be able to borrow each week, FROM THIS WEEK please send all library books to return in library bags in with your child on a Wednesday. These books will be collected Wednesdays and returned to the library. This will mean that if something prevents borrowing happening on a Wednesday for that week, we will be able to arrange a time for them to borrow new books on another day.
If your child does not come home with a new library book on a Wednesday, please leave their empty library bag in their school bag.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
It is always lovely to see the smiling faces of all the library borrowers when they find the perfect book to borrow!
2/3/4 recently enjoyed learning about the difference between non-fiction and fiction texts. They worked together in pairs to sort the different features into a venn diagram and looked at different fiction (made up) and non-fiction (factual) texts.