Level 3: Connect

Claire Parsons, Jana Hain / Lizzie Parmar, Eileen Thompson / Amanda Stanford

What you can do at home to practise and revise student learning...

šŸ’”Practise the 2x, 4x, 8x tables.

šŸ’”Ask your child to read these nonsense words and explain why they would read them that way. Clue: they have long vowel sounds


šŸ’”Read 2-3 sentences from a book multiple times and see if their fluency and accuracy improves. Try reading it together - it's not that easy to keep at the same pace. Remember to keep track by using your finger under the words. This is an important skill that doesn't stop after they have learnt to read.


Spelling this week: We are revising homophones - words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. Here are some of the ways we are using to help us remember which witch is which! How many homophones can you list at home?


šŸ’”Practise your handwriting. Keep it neat and on the line.

šŸ’” Lots of fun Maths games to play https://www.lovemaths.me/operations-36



Our Level 3 students have been editing and publishing their writing based on A rock is lively. Below are some examples of their writing.Ā 


We have been learning about division, how to represent it as a sharing model, as an equation and as the inverse operation of multiplication.

Fact Families - if I know 1 then I get 3 for free!Ā 



How are our Level 3 students going to solve the world's problems?

Students have thought of a global problems (such as global warming, deforestation, and plastic waste in oceans, lakes and rivers, etc.) and are designing creative solutions. Below are some of the posters we have created. We look forward to showing you our Powerpoints at home.

Thank you for all your support this term, we have appreciated it. We hope you have a wonderful relaxing holiday and we will see you back in Term 3.


The Level 3 team: Claire, Jana, Lizzie, Katie, Amanda and Eileen