Level 1: Connect

Some reminders:
Don't forget that Mrs Gau has a Maths Problem of the Week page every Connect for families to have a go at solving. If you would like to participate you can put you answers in the box just outside Mrs Gau's office which is at the Foundation end of the JLC. Good luck!
School will finish at 2:30pm next Friday, June 28th.
If you would like to help your child at home:
See if your child can explain the doubling or 1-1-1 rule to your family. If a word has one syllable (short word), one vowel, AND one final consonant, the last consonant must be doubled before adding a vowel suffix such as –ed or –ing.
Some 1-1-1 words to read and write. See if you can put these into a sentence.
swim | |||
stop | |||
walk | |||
run | |||
join | |||
drop |
Heart Words
Students need to learn these words off by heart as they cannot be sounded out.
- Say the letter names, then the word.
- Write the letters and say the letter name whilst writing the letter.
- Write the word 3 times.
Heart words to practise: one, once, before, after, asked.
Don't forget there is also Mathletics, Wushka and Literacy Planet for you to use.
Celebrations from the past 2 weeks:
Science fun with Wilko:
Our science lessons are always so much fun with Wilko. He always goes above and beyond. Over the past few weeks we have been investigating what will sink and what will float. Lots of thought provoking questions. Last week we made boats from natural things in our environment. This week we made boats out of foil and tested them with Lego people down some real life river rapids that Wilko made! Amazing! So many laughs and squeals of delight.
Developmental Play fun!
Next week will be a review of the terms learning.
Spelling and Reading:
When you actually reflect and look at what students have learnt this term it is absolutely amazing!
- Rule review: magic e rule, FLOSS rule, C and K rule, s=z rule, and also the rules that go along with some digraphs and trigraphs
- Phonemes - ng, nk, ck, th, -tch, -dge, all, oi, oy
- Morphology learning: -ed, -ing, -es, -s, un- , re-, mis-, in-
- Heart Words - before, four, your, they, could, should, would, after, round, about, want, where, what, asked, again, today, going, come, some, other
As the term closes to an end, we are reviewing the following skills to help consolidate and continue to improve students' writing skills -
Narrative Writing -
- Plan - Characters, Setting, Beginning, Middle (problem/solution), End
- Write
- Edit - Read over their writing to make it even better. Check for punctuation, spelling and meaning.
Writing High Quality Sentences-
- A good quality sentence includes a noun group (noun + adjective), a verb, circumstance (additional detail - where, when, why) and correct punctuation.
The following mentor texts have been used to go over these concepts -
Students are working on making a class version of the story book 'Flashlight' by Lizi Boyd. Next, they will begin creating their own picture story book to further showcase their creative writing skills.
In the final week of term, level 1 students will continue their focus on data collection and interpreting this data. Students will:
- continue their focus on data collection and interpreting this data.
- Discover how Venn Diagrams work in determining which attributes from a data overlap
- Sort objects according to multiple attributes
- Conduct surveys with classmates using meaningful and intentional questions
- Track responses using lists and tally marks
- Display data using picture graphs and bar graphs.
We are so very proud of the effort of our level 1 students this semester! Their ability to jump into the learning pit to challenge their thinking and gain new learning is admirable! We whole-heartedly look forward to working with them again next semester!
Enjoy a safe and restful break!
Suzanne, Anthony, Leon and Nishtha