Problem of the Week

By Trudy Gau

Congratulations we had 3 winners this week who have earned the title, 'Problem Solver of the Week'.  Their names will be announced at assembly on Monday.

There were several possible solutions for the Mild, Medium and Spicy questions this week, so I have not put the solutions in this week's newsletter. However, I have included the solution for the Extra Hot question - please see it below.



Problem of the Week: (I have decided to do 3 levels of spice this week - you choose the one that suits you)








The Barn Solution

The number of cows is 8 (32 legs)

The number of chickens 16 (twice the number of cows - another 32 legs)

The number of spiders 32 (twice the number of chickens - so 32 spiders, which is 256 legs)

To check: 32 legs + 32 legs + 256 legs = 320 legs