Principal's Report  

Jane Briffa | Principal

Dear SEPS Families, 


Welcome to final newsletter for this Semester!   



Student reports will be available on Monday afternoon. Our parent teacher interviews will look a little different this year. They will be an opportunity for you to ask any questions regarding your child’s report, celebrate their successes and discuss their next steps in learning. Your children are welcome to accompany you to the interview or you may opt to meet with your child’s teacher alone. We are going to trial conducting the interviews in the gymnasium this year to avoid parents waiting out in the cold and to ensure that interviews are running on time. When you arrive at the gym, please feel take a seat in the stadium seating until your scheduled timeslot. Tables will be set up around the gym and will be in year group order so that it is easy for you to find your child’s teacher. We look forward to seeing you all next week. 



The SEPS homework policy is available on the school website however we are currently reviewing our homework practices to ensure that we have consistency in expectations across the school. We have reached out to some of the local secondary colleges to discuss the expectations that they have on students entering Year 7. We look forward to holding a parent evening next term to discuss homework at SEPS. Until then, you will find strategies to support home learning in Connect along with the usual homework expectations that include reading every day and the completion of Mathletics tasks.   



You may have noticed that the oval is not looking as flash as we would hope however our Lawn expert has been tending to the issue and is confident that we will notice a marked difference when we return after the break. It is all to do with the type of grass and the need for the winter strand to come through. He has been spending the weekends resowing seed which should come through at the end of next week. We may need to stay off the oval at that point. In the meantime we ask that everyone tries to stay on the walking track when using the Bay Rd entrance. 



I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff for an amazing Semester. We spent this week’s staff meeting reflecting on all the new initiatives and professional learning that has occurred. We knew we had been working hard but when we stopped to take stock of how much we have achieved in two terms, it was actually quite astonishing. It is such a privilege to work alongside a team who are so passionate and diligent when it comes to providing educational excellence for our students.


Wishing you all a wonderful winter break when it arrives. We hope that it is an opportunity for a rest and reset, ready for all the wonderful things that are planned for Semester 2 at Sandy East.




Jane Briffa