Their Care 

Hi Everyone,


Big thanks to Tildy for looking after all your beautiful children in my absence . Glad to be back.


Last week we had Australia Week and I heard the sausage sizzle was a huge hit.!!

This week it's Winter week. The children got to paint anything that reminded them of Winter . 


They came up with Christmas in July! 


Update on the School Holiday Program. 


I have previously advised  I'll be in attendance every day . That has not changed. The one slight change that has been made is some days I'll be starting at noon to go through till 

6 pm. 


Just to reassure you all that if you don't see me on arrival , I will be in later that day . I'll be in attendance for most excursions. 


When I'm not there in the morning , the kids will meet Stephanie, our coordinator for Brighton Beach. They will also see Tildy who they know from Sandy East. 😊

For children who have medications here, I'll be transporting them over to Brighton Beach so no need to worry . 


We will finish off the term with a disco party next week . I'll run it on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday so most kids can make it to one of them. 


Thanks for another wonderful term . It's been a pleasure looking after all your little darlings and see you all in Term 3. 


Melissa - Their Care