Level 5: Connect

5A Michelle Stainforth, 5B Joshua Miller, 5C Michael Day 


The final weeks of Term 2 we are wrapping up our book study on 'Wonder'. We will conclude this study by watching the movie 'Wonder', and examaning the variations between the novel and movie. 


As a research project for all Levels, we have been looking at the reading fluency of the students, and using Paired Reading Fluency partners to develop this. We have been encouraged by student results. Next Term we will continue work in this area, and incorporate greater student autonomy and goals.  



In mathematics the students have been learning about financial literacy. They have been coordinating events, planning and budgeting as well as looking at percentage via GST charges. This culminated in many of the students working on the financial details to go on a Year 5 excursion, which the children are quite excited about. We have this week started on measuring units where success will mean they can explain why we use different units for different things, choose the best unit (centimetres, metres, kilometres) to measure different objects and explain why some countries use different units to measure units like temperature.



Students have continued to work and explore the topic of health and wellbeing. This has culminated in students producing a presentation about their learning, in the form of their 'You' projects. These are being presented early next term 



The Level 5 students completed their final Interschool Sport matches on Friday the 21st of June. We congratulate and commend each student for their positive behaviour and teamwork each and every week. 


In Term 3, the Friday morning sport program will continue internally. Teachers will be responsible for different sports, and class groups will rotate weekly through these. The P.E department will run specialised athletics activities. 


We wish every family a safe and happy Term 2 holidays!