From Mr Coppin

Prayer and faith are powerful spiritual tools that transcend religious boundaries, offering individuals a sense of connection, hope, and inner peace. Ecumenically, they serve as unifying forces that foster dialogue and understanding among diverse faith traditions. Prayer, regardless of the form it takes, is a universal act of seeking guidance, expressing gratitude, and finding solace. Faith, on the other hand, anchors individuals in their beliefs and offers strength during times of uncertainty. Together, they inspire a shared humanity and promote a deeper sense of community, reminding us of the common spiritual threads that link different traditions. 


I thank you all for the most joyous Term 3 and cannot think of better words to conclude the Term than the prayer composed by Gabriella Botros for our Kindergarten to Year 6 End of Term Church Services at St Michael’s Anglican Church Vaucluse.


Dear God,

Thank you for bringing us to this day and shining your light upon us. May your boundless love and grace wash over us today and everyday, helping us to forgive our friends and know that we are forgiven. Thank you for providing us with a wonderful school with caring teachers and friends, and for giving us our loving families. We thank you for all those you have brought into our lives to lead us, to guide us and to protect us, our parents, teachers and friends. We pray that you bless our Kambala community now and forever. Grant us the strength to learn from our mistakes and to grow into better people. Be our guide and watch over us in everything we do. As this term comes to an end, help us to continue working hard next term and throughout this whole year. In Your  Name we pray. 


Progressive Reporting 

Much research is linked to the power of ongoing and meaningful feedback for students to better understand and improve their learning. To that end, we would like to remind parents of our Years 5 and 6 girls to check Sundial for feedback on their work for this term. Feedback is provided each term by Class teachers and Specialist teachers. 


Parents of girls in Preparation also receive Portfolios at the end of Terms 1-3, so please look for these next week in the Sundial ‘Learning Moments’.

Term 4, 2024 - Summer Uniform - Kambala Outfitters

Outfitters will be closed for the school holidays from 3.45pm Friday 27 September until 7.30am Monday 14 October 2024.


Please note that students return in Term 4 in summer uniform.  We therefore ask that you take the time to check the size of your daughter's summer uniform and arrange to place an order prior to the end of term.