Year 1 and 2

Year 1 Teachers: Hsien Tran (Level Leader), Zara Abrahams, Maddi Fletcher, Chantelle Quinn, Nic Walsh and Fiona Hedstrom

Year 2 Teachers: Sarah Battle (Level Leader), John Hoskin, Nerida Forster, Katia Lumley and Kath Jones

Welcome to Week 8!

We can't believe that there are only 2 more weeks left in this term!

What's Happening this Term?

9th - 13th September - Numeracy Week (Remember to wear something with a number on it!)

9th - 10th September - Parent Teacher Interviews

10th September - F-2 Maths Show

13th September - Curriculum Day

16th September - Year 2 Scienceworks Excursion

17th September - Movie Day

19th September - Parents Maths Night

20th September – Footy Finals Hot Dog Day (Wear Your Team's Colours!)

20th September - Last Day of Term 3 (3:30pm finish)


Numeracy Dress Up Day

On Monday 9th September, students are to wear a shirt with a number on it to celebrate the start of Numeracy Week. If students wish to wear a singlet (such as Basketball or Footy jumper) please ensure they have a t-shirt or long sleeve shirt on underneath. The Grade 1 and 2 students will also be attending an incursion on Tuesday 10th September and completing maths activities throughout the week. 


Movie Day

In the last week of term, on Tuesday the 17th September, the whole school will participate in a Movie Day. This fundraiser has been organise by our Student Council members. Students are to bring along a gold coin and are to wear some pyjamas to school. A soft toy can also be brought along if they wish (please make sure they are clearly labelled).

Thankyou Parent Helpers!

A big thankyou to the Grade 1 Parent Helpers that came along to the IMAX and Melbourne Museum excursion yesterday. You helped make the day run smoothly and all the students had a great time learning all about dinosaurs and animals. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews are on Monday and Tuesday night (9th & 10th September) next week. Please ensure you arrive at your interview at your allocated time as interview time slots are only 10 minutes and the interviews will be back to back. 

Parent Maths Night

Vermont PS his holding its annual Parent Maths Night in the Stadium from 6.30-7.30 on Thursday, September 19. Our guest speaker this year is renowned Mathematics educator, Michael Minas, founder of LoveMaths ( The theme of the night is "How Parents Can Best Support Their Child to be Successful Mathematicians." To register your interest, please access this link -


All In Sports Camp

Today the Grade 2s had an opportunity to participate in some fun games! All In Sports Camp are running a 2 day program where parents can book their child in during the school holidays. The children brought home a flyer with all the information about this experience. 

Grade 2 Inquiry

Over the course of the term the Grade Twos have been learning all about Simple Machines and have worked in groups to create their very own Rube Goldberg machines! Check out the photos below!

Grade 2 Science Excursion

This is a friendly reminder that on Monday 16th September the Grade 2 students will be attending Scienceworks. Final payments are due by Monday 9th September. The Grade 2 teachers are asking that students be dropped off to school at 8:45am to ensure we have enough time to arrive there. Children are required to be in full school uniform and bring a small named backpack with their snack, lunch and drink bottle


No Trading at school

It has come to our attention that students are trading Pokemon cards, Disney cards among other things. This has been and is causing friendship fires and as a result Grade 2s are no longer allowed to trade anything at school. It is also highly encouraged that student's are not bringing in personal items from home such as toys, as you can imgaine it is very challenging for the teachers to try and keep an eye to ensure the safety of these precious items. Thank you for your understanding of this. 


We hope you have a great weekend! :)