From the Principal
Felicity Broughton
From the Principal
Felicity Broughton
Dear Families,
Welcome back! I hope that you all enjoyed quality family time over the school holidays, it was wonderful to welcome the children back last week - particularly given that the sun has decided to stick around and there truly is a sense of spring in the air.
Thank you to Michelle Hinds for the great work she did as Acting Principal in my absence supported by Rosie as Acting Deputy and the rest of the staff. It took a few days to get back into school mode but Michelle made it very easy for me to get back into the swing of things.
The term started off with our Feast Day celebrations and what a wonderful day it was, there was certainly no need to postpone our Colour Run this year. Thank you to Maddie Hastings who did a fabulous job of coordinating the event and the staff for the support they gave in making the afternoon a success. From the colour of the children and the smiles on their faces, they certainly enjoyed themselves. Thank you to the group of parents who volunteered as 'powder parents', I don't think they anticipated getting covered themselves but we appreciate the giving of time. Thank you as well to all of our families for getting behind the event both with the fundraising and coming along to cheer on the children. We are so proud of the fact that you hit the $7000 mark - our final total raised was $7098.50, well done everyone!
Keep checking the dates for the diary - there are a lot of events happening this term, just not quite as messy!
Term 4 is a summer term and all children should now have made the change into summer uniform. Our summer uniform is:
Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform, we do conduct uniform checks on a regular basis. If there is a reason for your child to be out of uniform, please send a note or an email to their class teacher.
School hats are compulsory during terms 1 and 4 for Sunsmart reasons. If your child does not have a school hat, these can be purchased from the uniform shop - PSW Hampton Park. We don't have any hat stock at school. Please ensure your child's hat is named. We don't have spare hats in the office at this stage so any child without their school hat will be asked to play undercover at recess and lunch time.
Have a great term!
Felicity Broughton