From the Principal
Shane Davoren
From the Principal
Shane Davoren
Dear Parents and Friends,
Please note that tomorrow, Friday 13 September will be a school closure day. No classes will run on this day. If you require Camp Australia Care for this day, please register.
Some families have completed the School Improvement Survey (MACSSIS) that was emailed recently. However in order for the data to be valid, we need more families to do this. If you require assistance with this, please contact the school office. The results will be used to provide our school with valuable data to assist with setting goals and making improvements in the future.
This is a friendly reminder to utilise the Parent Access Module (PAM) to inform the school of any student absences. This ensures that both teachers and office staff are kept informed.
For extended leave, please email, and we will communicate the details to your child's teacher. For all other correspondence related to your child, feel free to contact their teacher directly via email. Thank you for your cooperation.
On Wednesday students took part in a full dress rehearsal for our concert. This created great excitement and gave students the opportunity to perform in front of the rest of the school. Tickets for our concert that takes place on 23 October, are now on sale. See flyer below.
Last Thursday our school had a visit from the Melbourne Japanese School. Students from this school joined in with our Year 3/4 students during Music and Physical education lessons. The Japanese students taught our students how to make origami and use a traditional Japanese toy called kendama. The day allowed for cultural awareness and understanding. All students had lots of fun. Thanks to Mrs Markham for organising this day.
Please note that Classroom Cuisine will now be delivering lunches on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please see the updated menu and prices below.
No assembly tomorrow as we have a school closure day.
Take care and enjoy the weekend.
Shane Davoren