If you haven’t already heard of the Brighton Secondary College Community Connect or BSCCC, we are now the schools official Parents Association! At this weeks Inaugural AGM, members came together to endorse nominations for the formal positions of President, Secretary and Treasurer. Although this all sounds very official, the simple aim of the group (initially formed after a coffee morning!) was to come together to build connections with other families in the community and strengthen the relationship between BSC families, the school and student community.
Congratulations to our first president Nicole Trigger, Secretary Chris Kulik and Treasurer Rachel Reid and thank you for all the work they have done so far to bring us together along with the many other lovely parents and carers who have contributed in so many ways!
Now we are ‘incorporated’ the group can start to set ambitions for future events that will also include some fundraising opportunities, and more support of student led events.
Have a wonderful holiday break. We look forward to keeping you all up to date with our progress and events in Term 4. Stay tuned for opportunities to volunteer, participate, and help build community and pride at BSC.
Warm regards,