“It is better to look ahead and prepare, than to look back and regret”
Jackie Joyner Kersee
At this time of year in schools, time seems to move rapidly. It is only a couple of school weeks before our Year 12s begin their study leave, and as we prepare for exam season we’re already looking ahead, planning for our next cohort of Year 7s and for 2025 more broadly.
At our recent whole school assembly we were delighted to announce our 2025 college captains, and this group will start to take the reins next term, transitioning from our current team who will be focused on their exams and the excitement of taking their next steps beyond school. I have been most fortunate to work with Abi, Jonny, Sonny, Harlene and Chris for the past six months and I’ll certainly miss their positivity and enthusiasm, their focus on improvement for students and their commitment to the college; however, I know that they will continue to support our new captains as they settle in, ensuring their leadership transition is smooth.
Our leadership team is reflecting on, and preparing for, the next stages in our school improvement journey, using the data we’ve collected from staff, students and families to inform our decision-making about the areas we want to strengthen in 2025 and beyond.
The recruitment process for BSC’s substantive principal is also now underway, and the Department of Education and members of our College Council will work closely together over the upcoming weeks to select the college’s new principal, ready to lead the next stage of BSC’s development.
Over the past two weeks we’ve celebrated Kirby House’s theme day, this year fundraising for Minus 18, and we’ve acknowledged R U Ok Day, with staff and students connecting over a pre-school coffees and hot chocolate…a great start to the day! We want every day to be a day when we can ask ‘R U Ok?’, and know how to respond if our friends or colleagues need our help, and this starts with building positive, trusting relationships across our college so we can reach out for support when we need to.
Finally, this week we recognised the great efforts of our sports’ students, with our inaugural Sports Presentation Evening. Well done to all those who participated in events across this year, and congratulations to our students who were awarded for their endeavours. Our sports team is always looking for ways to promote and encourage participation and excellence, and I thank our Director of Sports, Rob Stevens, for establishing this initiative to promote sports within the college.
As our STEM tour arrives in Europe for a fantastic break away, I wish all our students and staff an equally fun, safe and relaxing holiday period!
Anne Stout
Interim Principal