Student Awards



Curios, Determined, Self-aware, Creative, Collaborative, Proactive







Student NameAwardReason
Prep GScarlett Proactive

Scarlett has been a fantastic proactive learner this week with her writing goals. She has a great understanding of what she needs to work on next and her amazing strengths with writing her recount. These include beautiful spelling and handwriting skills. Well done, Scarlett. 


Prep VOscarProactive

Oscar shows that he is a proactive learner through his effort in writing . When faced with challenges, he can successfully use the resources available to him in the classroom to help him sound out what he wants to write. Oscar is able to consistently produce a high level of work. 

Well done Oscar, keep up the great work!

Junior AAlice 

For your incredible efforts in our Information writing lessons. Alice you worked so hard in each and every lesson to record information about different olympic sports and athletes. You asked questions about your next steps in your writing and listened carefully to the feedback. You created a fantastic poster on Canoe Slalom and Jessica Fox and should be very proud of your work. Well done Alice!


Junior GJack  For your incredible efforts in our Math lessons this term. Jack, you have been so determined to develop your skills when sharing and grouping numbers. You didn’t give up when challenged and it was so great to see you persevere and succeed. Keep up the amazing work Jack
Middle MXavier DeterminedDuring our study of Kensuke's Kingdom, Xavier drew on his prior knowledge, and made insightful connections between the novel’s themes and deforestation. His active participation in class discussions deepened the conversation and prompted others’ thinking and contributions.
Middle TElanSelf-awareIt has been wonderful to have Elan in my maths group for the past few weeks whilst we have learned about addition and subtraction. He has shown self-awareness and independence in his learning, being able to revise his work and make any necessary changes. Keep up the amazing work Elan!
Middle JJoel Proactive Learner For the impressively focused and proactive approach you have demonstrated in inquiry. When learning about a famous navigator from the age of exploration, you showed remarkable skills as a researcher and stayed on task to ensure you found all the information you needed to investigate your hunch. Well done Joel!
Senior OZahra Self-aware LearnerFor consistently seeking feedback with your Writing during the stages of writing a narrative. Through thoughtful conversation, you have identified where you have been successful and what areas you need to work on. This has allowed for amazing growth as a writer. Keep it up Zahra!
Senior BSophia Determined LearnerThis award goes to Sophia, who has displayed remarkable determination in all of her learning this week. I love how you ask well-thought-out, relevant, and curious questions and how you're never afraid to seek help when you need it. Your determination has led to great progress, especially in solving challenging maths problems in our measurement unit. Keep up the fantastic work, Sophia. You should be very proud of your perseverance.
 Havana ResponsibleFor the way you conducted yourself during our Book Week House Activity. You immediately took responsibility for the Prep and Junior students who needed help creating their paper plate fish and demonstrated patience, kindness and enthusiasm. Well done Havana, you are an exemplary role model for Carr House and our whole school community! 
Visual ArtsJunior G



Junior G were very determined learners this week. In the art room we are busy making props for our school production and they worked on lots of tasks that will benefit the whole class, not just something for themselves. They were a wonderful team of determined, creative learners and I was so impressed.
Performing ArtsJemima Creative LearnerFor your outstanding creativity, expression and enthusiasm during Performing Arts. I am constantly impressed by your magnificent memory, your strong ‘Actors Voice’ and your dazzling dance moves. Keep up the incredible work, Jemima!
Digital TechnologiesMiddle TCreative LearnerWorking so cohesively and co operatively when learning new coding skills and applying them to your own projects and directed coding projects.You showed care, respect and kindness to each other. You demonstrated this by working collaboratively with others, sharing resources and listening attentively to instructions and to the ideas of class members.  



Respectful, Responsible, Resilient







Student NameAwardReason
Prep GCassidy Resilient 

Cassidy was a fantastic resilient learner at our school athletics day last week. He had a go at each event and put in his very best effort to show good sportsmanship and celebrate his own achievements and those of his peers. Well done, Cass!


Prep VBodhiResilientBodhi showed great resilience during our St Joseph's Athletics day last week. He showed enthusiasm and a ‘can do’ attitude towards all activities he took part in. Well done Bodhi, keep up the hard work!
Junior AMatthewResponsibleFor being a responsible and independent learner in Writing. Matthew was absent for part of our Information Writing unit. When his peers were in the final stages of creating presentations about their learning, Matthew problem solved by asking if he could make a presentation about his family holiday to America. Well done Matthew for being a responsible learner!
Junior GAnastasia Resilient Anastasia was a resilient learner as she worked hard to complete her Olympic Writing Poster. After missing the first lesson Anastasia was proactive and determined to catch up, so that she could present her work. Her final product was detailed and completed to a high quality! Keep it up, Anastasia! 
Middle MRyderResilientWell done, Ryder! After coming back from a long break, you’ve shown great energy and focus in your learning. You’re always ready to join in and complete tasks. Keep up the great work as you continue to grow in Middles!
Middle TLiam Responsible You always show responsibility by staying organized, managing your time well, and getting your assignments done on time. You take charge of your work and tackle tasks with focus and dedication. Your reliability makes you a great part of the class and sets a positive example for your classmates. 
Middle JGraceRespectfulFor consistently demonstrating respect toward your teachers by listening attentively and engaging thoughtfully in class. You also show great care for your friends, always looking out for them and offering support when needed. We are so lucky to have such a positive and considerate person in the Middles community. Well done Grace!
Senior BEliseResponsibleFor the responsible attitude you have shown when working with others. You can always be relied upon to assist the Year 6 Sustainability Leaders to empty the green compost bins and recycling bins, as well as set a good example to others in all aspects of learning. Well done, Elise! Keep up all your hard work and positive attitude! 
Senior OStellaResponsibleFor the wonderful example you set to your peers both in class and in your positions of leadership. You can always be relied on to carry out tasks with diligence and care. Thank you for your dedicated and helpful nature. Keep up the amazing attitude Stella!
Visual Arts




Resilient Nash was a particularly resilient artist this week. We took on a super challenge, using black glue to outline a Kusama inspired pumpkin instead of using sharpies. It took some trial and error and some grit to complete the task- both being qualities of a very successful learner. I was really proud of his effort and the results. 
Visual Arts IndigoResilient Indigo was a particularly resilient artist this week. We took on a super challenge, using black glue to outline a Kusama inspired pumpkin instead of using sharpies. It took some trial and error and some grit to complete the task- both being qualities of a very successful learner. I was really proud of her effort and the results. 
Performing ArtsSolyana Responsible For being an amazing role model and leading by example during our school concert rehearsals. Not only have you shown incredible responsibility, but also leadership and kindness in generously helping those around you (including the teacher!) Keep up the amazing work, Solyana! 
Maths EnrichmentSamantha ResilientFor her capacity to concentrate and apply herself wholeheartedly in a quiet and determined manner, not only in our Maths Extension sessions but especially to the great challenge that’s demanded of her in The Maths Olympiad. During the last two Olympiads, Samantha completed TEN really complex and demanding Mathematical problems and correctly answered NINE of them ! That’s outstanding. Well done Samantha, you deserve all the kudos you receive.





TERM 3 - WEEK 10


Curios, Determined, Self-aware, Creative, Collaborative, Proactive








Student NameAwardReason
Prep GCleo Determined

Cleo has shown determination in her learning this week through her excellent maths work. Cleo has greatly enjoyed our unit on measurement and has worked hard to learn some new concepts around hefting and using scales. Way to go, Cleo!


Prep VQuinnCreativeQuinn has demonstrated her creativity and enthusiasm for her learning during writing this week. She created a fantastic piece of writing with facts about spring. She then paired this writing with an amazing piece of cherry blossom artwork. Keep up the hard work Quinn!
Junior AHanaCurious 

For your fantastic approach to our ‘Back in Time Day’ last week. Hana, you embraced all of the olden day activities with enthusiasm and asked great questions about what school would have been like in 1924. Keep up the focused work!


Junior GKaharideterminedFor your amazing perseverance with your writing! Kahari I was so proud of your letter to persuade the Beige crayon. Your writing was tidy and you worked so hard to include tricky words in your work. Keep up the amazing work :) 
Middle MYasminCollaborativeYasmin displayed outstanding collaboration during class sport by stepping up as an assistant coach. Her clear explanations and strong knowledge of the games ensured a fair and successful session. Her leadership and teamwork made a big difference. Well done, and thank you, Yasi!
Middle TCharlieCuriousIt has been terrific to have Charlie’s input in our class discussions during Inquiry learning. We have been learning about the First Fleet and Charlie has come up with some fantastic questions, comments and vocabulary to share with the group. Well done Charlie and keep up the great work!
Middle JLola Collaborative For the amazing insights you have contributed during our inquiry unit. When looking at the experiences of people living in 18th century England, you made wonderful hypotheses about their lives and the tough choices they faced. Your ability to place yourself in  someone else's shoes is truly remarkable. Well done Lola!
Senior BLeo DeterminedYou have consistently demonstrated exceptional focus and perseverance in your maths lessons. I'm always impressed by your ability to navigate tricky maths problems and engage in whole-class maths discussions. Your willingness to ask questions and seek understanding shows your commitment to growth and learning. Keep up the fantastic effort!
Senior ONeve DeterminedFor the determination and resilience you showed during our Hoop time excursion last Tuesday. You worked hard with your teammates during some challenging basketball games and did not let it stop you from making some impressive shots. Amazing athletics Neve!
Visual ArtsJosh Determined Josh is to be congratulated on his determined and focussed efforts in the Art Room. He works purposefully and independently on all tasks assigned to him and his latest Dean Russo inspired Pop Art piece is exceptional. Well done Josh and I’m very impressed with your efforts. 
Performing ArtsLilian Self Aware For always leading by example and showing outstanding responsibility and leadership during Performing Arts.I am very proud of the way you pay attention, make strong choices and help others to learn. Thank you for being a superstar, Lilian!
Digital TechnologiesSenior BCollaborativeDemonstrating great determination, perseveranceand resilience during our coding unit on Scratch. You worked independently and diligently for extended periods on moving and spinning Sprites as well as creating sounds and using  IF blocks. You did this on an individual level solving your own coding problems but on many occasions, you showed great team work and plenty of collaborative skills whilst working with others.